|Chapter 12|

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Ana's PoV

If I try to remember what happened, I feel numb. I can still recall that day. That car. That night. Which changed everything.
When I had to be protected by my brother. Even if it meant putting his own life in danger.

6 years ago - 23rd July

Mommy! Mommy! Are we going to see daddy now?

Yes Ana dear. We are going to surprise him.
My mommy is the best mommy in the world. Today is daddy's birthday and we are going to surprise him. He gave Lukey a car on his birthday and we are going to go surprise daddy in Luke's car.

Lukey! Lukey!
I run to my bestest bestest and favourite person in the world, my big brother.

Hey princess calm down! I'm coming.
He comes towards me and starts chasing after me. I scream and run but he catches me and throws me high up in the sky and then catches me on time.

Again! Again! Pleaseeee Lukey.

Naah... But I might if I get a gift from my baby sister.

But I don't have a present for you.
I frown, confused.
He turns his cheek to my face and taps it with his finger.

I grin and place two kisseis on both his cheeks. But then he starts tickling me so hard, making me belly laugh.

Lukey ...Lukey ... No!!!!...
Ha ha ha.....ha ....nooo...stop please.

He picks me up in my arms and stares at my face, then sighs.

You are my most favourite girl in the world, and the most prettiest. I love you so much, princess.

I am beaming at my older brother.

I love you too Lukey. More than my dollies and my dresses and all the make up and...

Okay okay. I know you love me. now let's go. Wouldn't want mommy to get angry right?

Yay! We're going to surprise daddy. Let's go!!!!!!

Luke's PoV ( 6 years ago)

[A/N- Luke is 17 and Ana is 9. In the present, luke is 22 and Ana is 15]

God, I love my baby sister. She is the most chatty girl ever and talks non stop. It's my so called DAD's birthday and we are going to surprise him in my fucking car. I mean mom has a fleet of cars and she has to choose mine.

Today we don't even have security. I don't know why but they're just not here. Being adopted, I don't really know everything. Ana has always been their love. I mean mom and dad love me too but don't really show it. But with Ana, mom is so affectionate and dad is atleast human and acts to be fun.

His business is everything to him and second comes mom. And third in Ana. I don't even know where I stand. Really doesn't effect me but I have Ana and I know I'm her favourite of all. I've loved her since the first day she came in the world. And damn I immediately fell in love with her. That cute little button nose, shock of dark brown hair and those sparkly blue eyes. I mean she was so beautiful when she was born. Wow. And I was a big brother so I immediately went into all possessive mode and have protected her ever since. Now she's grown up and is a 9 year old little girl, even more prettier than before.

I don't know what I'll do once she reaches her teenage. I won't even be there to protect her as I'll be in college. But her dating already gives me nightmares. Fuck!

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