Crashing Into You-Chapter 3-Keep The Change

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Hello! This chapter was by InYourPants and I hope youu guys like it!! Remember to Vote and Comment!! I'd like to see this story go further so all you guys VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! And I absolutely love reading through your comments and i'm sure the writer of the chapter does too so... COMMENT! COMMENT! COMMENT! Thank guys and i'm glad this story is becoming a success so thanks to all the participants!!! Now your probably bored of my babbling so i'll stop... VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! COMMENT! COMMENT! COMMENT!

~The100Authors A.K.A Elizabeth

Crashing into you- Chapter 3- Keep the Change

By: InYourPants

Hey guys!(: InYourPants here! I really hope you enjoy this chapter- It kinda just flowed outta my head! PLEASE, if you could, check out any of my other stories? I have a few going on, but “Remembering Smiles” and “Those Fatal Words” are some of my favorites ^-^ Thanks you guys<3 vote and comment! ---

     Through blurred eyes, I rubbed the thin sheet of metal between my fingers. I never thought it could come to this, but here I was- about to cut. To be honest, I've never even seen the point of this. 'Cutters' just seemed exaggerated to me; just people who wanted attention. I was, however, about to join them on their act. Maybe, I would find relief in this.

       With all my bravery, I brought the sharp blade to my wrist. Clueless, I took it slow in the beginning- holding my breath at every movement. At first, I didn't feel anything. The metal was just disappearing into my skin as it glided down my wrist. Effortless tears streamed down my burning cheeks as the world spun around me.

       Unfortunately, the pain did hit me at some point and I immediately removed the razor. Dark red liquid trickled into the crevice of the cut. It rose to the surface and dripped down my forearm in the same way my tears rolled down my cheeks. The two droplets collided as they fell in unison on my tiled bathroom floor, the two colors mingled together until the furious red claimed its territory.

    Unable to think, I decided to put an end to my foolishness and dropped the blade. It just didn't feel right- not with Sisi on the other side of the wall. I needed to be strong for both of us, even if I was heart broken and abandoned. With my last few sniffles, I cleaned up my ugly mess and dashed into my room before anyone in my house could see me.

     They all knew to leave me alone after my huge scene two days ago. After Ryan left, shattering my heart, I blew up at anyone who dared to come near me. Kyle and Sisi seemed irrelevant to me as my anger and desperation turned themselves upon me.

    My body slithered under my covers and one last chill raised up my spine. I was a worthless piece of shit, and I needed to get over it. Now. Without thinking, I jumped from my bed and slumped to my dresser. A pair of light wash shorts seemed to be calling my name so I slipped them onto my pale legs, my legs could really use some sun...

     Then, I put on a white strapless shirt that hugged me around the bust and then flowed downwards it worked well because it made it unnoticible that I had barely ate in the past months. The outfit was a little revealing, and I wasn't the most confident girl, but I really felt the need to get out there. I put the back of my hair up in a loose bun and rolled my eyelashes up with mascara.

     Once I stepped back, I realized I didn't look half bad for a girl who just been cheated on and killed her mom. Cold shivers crawled under my skin, eating all my confidence. However, I wouldn't let that get to me as I was already out the door. My white heels came to a sharp halt as I remembered that I would have to drive. Fudge. I haven't drove since-  Clear your head, Evelyn. Everything will be fine. Of course, the car that had been in the crash was destroyed. So, I would be using Kyle's. Although I'm sure he wouldn't mind me driving, I started having strong doubts as flashbacks started pounding against the walls I've tried so hard to build. With a deep breath and a mental push, I jumped into the car and started the engine. As it roared to life, I jumped back.

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