Crashing Into You-Chapter 5- Goddamn Men

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HEYYY!!!!! Guys I'm super. Super. Super! SUper! SUPer! SUPEr! SUPER! SUUUUUPPPPPEEEER! Sorry for the long wait and I PROMISE you it was worth it for this chapter! VERY GOOD CHAPTER (in my opinion) !!!!!

Jason played by Jared Leto- Pic on side:) Sexy!

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The100Authors A.K.A Elizabeth

Crashing Into You-Chapter 5- Goddamn Men

Chapter by: CallMeCrazyCauseIKnow

    I was walking around my own neighborhood, the large gray and brown bricked houses fading pale in my side-vision while I thought to the rhythm of my feet hitting the sidewalk. A breeze slipped around the dense denim of my skinny jeans, caressing my flip-flops and PINK sweatshirt. Call me crazy, I had loved PINK and all that preppy stuff once upon a time, that once upon a time being when I had been with Ryan.

    My first mistake, among many.

    Now, I felt a blank sense of empty I couldn’t shake off, ever since…well, I think we all know when.

     Glass screaming, their fingers clawing at my face as my body slammed forward-

No-I would not think about this. Not while I was on my mission. Nodding, pulled the piece of paper out of my hoody pocket, my fingers shaking as I unfolded it.

33 North Persimmons

    The sun beat down on me, sweltering as it was summertime, and even though there was a slight breath of wind, it was still absolutely humid. The material of my sweatshirt had begun to stick to the recent cut from the day before, and I could feel its harsh sting. I winced at the pain, my clammy fingers snapping the paper shut again and tucking it away.

    Cutting had been wrong, another mistake…it hadn’t done really anything for me other than make up for an irritating, burning scratch that my little sister would question later. I shouldn’t be thinking about these things.

    Yet another reason as to why I was wearing the sweatshirt.  I sighed, my hazel eyes more of a sorrowful jade as I kept walking forward.

    This wasn’t the point-today, I wasn’t making a mistake – I was making progress.

    Try as I might, I couldn’t get that lip lock I shared with Taylor out my head. And, trust me, I’m no love-struck virgin – I’ve had more than my share of experiences with Ryan, but that kiss…was delicious. I'm not going to lie.

    Maybe it also had something to do with his golden curls, his shaped jaw…just maybe.

Unable to forget about Taylor, I decided to go looking for him.

    At the price of my dignity, I had sent a Facebook message to Betty, who, being the slut that she was, I figured she might have tried to hit on him once or twice before.

    She responded within an hour, and she knew where he lived.

    I scanned house numbers, reciting them in my head-thirty, thirty-one….

    A flicker of uneasiness shot through me as the suburbia began to curve, giving away to more evenly spaced houses. Trees spouted up between the spaces – it appeared as if the houses were getting smaller and moving into the woods.

    As the forest grew denser, the houses grew farther apart – until there was only one house left on the end of the street, one too obviously different for me to ignore.

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