The Maid's Daughter: Chapter 3

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Its really cold.

I can see the cold air disperse into the frigid air, as I inhale and exhale deeply, keeping my body at a steady temperature.

I look down and see no shoes on my feet.

Why would I walk out of the house without any shoes? I thought.

Then I look around my body. There is nothing keeping me warm, other than the thin blood stained white T-shirt and distressed black jeans that I wore.
Who's blood was it? It couldn't have been mine.. I'm perfectly fine.

But I keep walking.

There is snow everywhere covering the road in thick sheets and tire markings slushed and engraved into the snow. Surrounding me were tall trees that were decorated in the sheets of snow.

Everything was still.

And so was the beating of my heart, when thick, black, clouds of smoke appeared in the sky.

It seemed to be coming from further down the road. So I picked up pace, as my feet began to become numb to the icy conditions. Though approaching the scene, I trotted with caution because I didn't know what I'd find.

As I came closer the dark clouds seem to be coming from within the trees, and a crackling sound followed. It was the sound of a fire rapidly burning something, but I didn't know what. My curiosity causes for me to inch closer down the hill into the woods, to be met with a burning car.

It was a black car that has been battered and bruised. Not to mention, it was on fire.

I didn't want to get any closer to the fire for the fear of getting burned, but that didn't seem to stop my legs from moving. I kept walking foward  until I could feel the heat radiating from the flames. I became so close that the flames themselves started to lick my skin. It burned but I didn't care. I was numb to the feeling. As I was burning, I heard a cry for help. The voice was not familiar, and it was unexpected. It was the crying of a little girl.

She was crying and sobbing in the corner of the flames. Her chestnut hair was being eaten by the flames that surrounded her, and all she could do was call for help.

I walked over gliding towards her to aid her in her please for someone to help. Kneeling down I reached through the flames and grabbed her arm.

Her head shot up and all I could see were familiar sea blue-green eyes. Though they were familiar, they seemed different. They held innocence, purity, and a brightness that I've never seen before. The waves in her eyes were calm, and there was no storm. It was rather like looking at the sea on a summer day, watching the waves crash upon the rocks.

The horror in the beauty was that's all there was to the little girl. That sea for eyes that she held. The rest of her face was melted and scorched by the fire that seemed to have killed one thing but her untainted eyes. Her body was frail, and charred, and she wept rivers of tears.

As I stared into her eyes I was stuck in a trance. A trance so deep and captivating that I hadn't realized the morphing of her features.

She was big now and her eyes.. They changed. They were now more familiar than staring into a reflection in a puddle.

Her features were clear and the fire only surrounded the singular floor piece that we stood upon, though it wasn't big enough for the both of us.

The girl's eyes soon resembled mine. They were dull and showed that of a constant struggle. It was like watching someone drowning repeatedly in the sea, during a storm.

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