Imagine for New_Directions_Clini

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Jamies Pov

"Are you kidding me?!" My voice breaks during that sentence and my eyes are wide in shock. "You can't be serious!"
I take a few steps back from the person that I once called my Dad. And my so called mother stands behind him, crying but she doesn't say a word to defend me. Or at least to help me. "You heard me right. Leave. I don't want to see you again!"

A single tear escapes my eye when i remember the day my father kicked me out. Until today i haven't fully understand why but it doesn't matter in fact. Either way I had to leave. And now i'm sitting on the cold sidewalk with no place where I can go. You see, we moved to London two weeks ago and I didn't found friends in this time because I was grounded by my parents. Just because I refused to unpack my things and settle here. I hate London but what I hate more is the fact that I had to leave my friends. And because of my stubbornness and my 'misbehaviour' as my 'dad' like to call it i'm now on the streets, homeless. Light rain wets my shirt and mixes with my tears. I'm fully crying now. I can't help it. Everything seems just hopeless.
"Are you okay?"
Suddenly I hear a deep slow voice which made me look up.

Harrys Pov

I'm on our way home when I notice a young girl sitting on the sidewalk. She is crying and dripping wet because of the rain. I kneel down beside her carefully looking her over and searching for injuries. I can't find any but if she doesn't get out of the rain she'll catch a cold at least. "Are you okay?," I ask her only for her to flinch at the sound of my voice. "Hey, hey sweety, I don't hurt you. Shhh," I sooth her. She looks at me with her glossy eyes and my heart starts to hurt. "What's your name?"
"Jamie," she whispers. "Hi, Jamie. I'm Harry. Why are you out here in the rain? Where are your parents?," I ask her. Instead of an answer Jamie begins to sob loudly. I sigh and give her a hug not sure what else I can do to help her. She clinges on me like a little monkey searching for comfort. I let her cry a little while then I say "Listen, Jamie, I want to help you but you have to tell me what's wrong. Otherwise I can't do anything." She sniffles then she says with a rough voice "My parents kicked me out. And I don't have a place to go to." I nearly drop her when I hear her words. "What?! How could they?!" I'm furious but I try to stay calm for Jamie's sake. Taking a deep breath I pick her up and tell her " Don't worry, Jamie. I take care of you, okay? First we need to get you out of the rain." And with that I carry the shivering little girl to our clinic.

Liams Pov

I'm about to call my next patient back when I see Harry entering our clinic and carrying a dripping wet little girl. "Harry?," I call out confused, "Why are you here? You are off now. And who's that?"
"That's Jamie. I found her sitting on the sidewalk. Her parents kicked her out."
"Poor thing," I say sympatheticly. Harry nods. "Yeah. I want her to get checked out because I don't know how long she's been out there. And it is raining outside. I couldn't let her alone," he tells me quietly while he looks at the sleeping form in his arms. "I'd like to help you checking on her but I have a patient right now. But I can take her to Louis while you go and change. He is free now." Harry smiles gratefully and I take the sleeping girl from him and carry her into Louis' exam room. "Lou?"
"What's up, Li?" he greets me looking up from some papers on his desk. "Who's that?," he asks when he sees Jamie. "Jamie. Harry found her." I tell him what Harry told me. "Oh dear!" he whispers. "Lay her down. I go and get a nurse to change her into a dry gown. Otherwise she'll catch a cold." He walkes out to find a nurse while I lay her on the exam bed. A few minutes later Louis comes back, a nurse behind him. I comb my fingers through Jamies hair murmuring a "Good luck " and then leave the room with Louis so that the nurse can do her job.

Louis Pov

When the nurse is done I go back in preparing all the instruments that I need for a check up. Just when I'm about to get her blood pressure she starts to wake up. I stop and watch her carefully. Her eyes are scanning her surroundings. When she sees me she immediatly backs away and the confusion in her face turns to fear. "Who are you and where am I? And where is Harry?"
"I'm Louis, a friend of Harrys", I tell her in a calming voice. "You are in our clinic, sweety. Harry wants you to get checked out." During my words her eyes widen and suddenly she jumps from the bed and runs to the door. Before I can react she has already open the door trying to escape but somebody blocks her way. "What are you doing, Jamie?" Harry asks her with a confused look. She doesn't answer instead she tries to run. But Harry catches her easily and carrys her back to the bed. "Let me go, Harry! Let me go!" she screams while struggling in his grip. "Calm down, Jamie. Nobody is going to hurt you. Promise!," he coos. Then he embraces her in a hug. "We just want to make sure that you are healthy, okay?" She nods nervously. "May I?" I ask gently.

Jamies Pov

I'm scared but for reasons I don't understand I trust Harry and Louis. So I give Louis permission to start the exam. First he takes my blood pressure which is fine then he listens to my heart and lungs. I flinch a bit because of the cold stethoscope but Harry comforts me during the exam. Then he takes an orthoscope to look into my ears, eyes and throat. "Okay sweety, everything seems to be fine. I just need to check your temperature and your tummy. Lay down, please." My breathing increases. I hate that part of an exam. You feel so vulnerable and I don't like that feeling at all! Soon i begin to hyperventilate and panic rises in my body. Instantly I see concern in the faces of Louis and Harry and both turn into action. "Calm down, Jamie! Just breath... in... and out.... in.... and out" Harry commands me and he places one of my hands on his chest so that I can copy his breathing. Meanwhile Louis set up an oxygen mask which he puts now on my face. I struggle but he says "Keep it on. It helps you to breath!" After a while I calm down. "Are you better now, sweety?," Louis asks concernd. I don't trust my voice so I just nod. Exhausted I lay down and Louis checks my tummy as fast as he can. Then he takes my temperature. "Your temperature is a little bit low for my liking," he says. I watch him standing up and grabbing a blanket out of a cupboard which he spreads over me. "Sleep a bit. You will feel better once you wake up." The last thing I feel is a hand which combs through my hair...

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