Imagine for Da_Miky_Ninja437

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait but we were really busy lately. However, some of you wanted a part 3 of the last imagine but the thing is that we can't think of anything to happen. We tried but we couldn't write more than 600 words and tbh it was really boring. So we apologise. We hope you like the next imagine for Miky!

Mikys Pov

"I'm a genius!," I laugh enthusiastically when I look into my mirror. My now blue ombré colored hair falls in big waves just like a waterfall over my shoulders emphasizing my green-brownish eyes. I always wanted my hair to be that color but I was never brave enough to dye them - until now. And it looks just gorgeous! Happily I grab my cell phone and take a picture to show my new hair style to my friends. Just when I hit the send button my mum comes into my room.
"Oh my god, Miky, what did you do to your hair?!," she exclaims horror written all over her face. I guess you already noticed that I didn't tell her? So I reply calmly "I dyed it."
"That was a rhetorical question, Miky! You are 11 for gods sake! When I was your age I didn't even think of make up and hair! Oh, why can't you be just normal? And I thought your brother was a handful!"
"Hey, I wasn't that bad," my brother Louis chuckles entering my room. He just came home from work. "Nice color by the way, Sis. I like it," he adds smiling. My mother just snorts at his comment. "Oh, you were bad! What do you think from whom she got that attitude?"
"All your genes, mum. Oh, and maybe some from dad," Louis says and I can't help but to laugh. I like my brother and his sneaky comments. Instead of an answer Mum leaves in a huff.
Louis grins sitting down beside me on my bed. Instantly I give him a hug snuggling into his side. "I missed you, Lou. But you smell terribly like hospital." Louis chuckles quietly and replies "Maybe that's because I work at one?" I hit him playfully "Don't you say, Dr. Tomlinson!"
His eyes twinkle at my sassy reply but then his expression turn into a serious one "Listen, Miky. I know you don't like to hear it but Mum's right in a way. I really like your new style but you really should've asked Mum. You are still pretty young and she just cares about you. Promise to ask her next time?" I hesitate to answer. I know he's right and so is Mum but I also like to be independent. But eventuelly I nod. "Promise."
"Good. Now let's go and show the world your new hair color! I thought we could go and eat some ice cream. Sounds good?"
"Yes!," I agree and jump out of my bed.

*next day*

Thank god it's saturday! The moment I open my eyes I already know that today it's going to be a bad day. I feel like I've been hit by a truck. My head hurts, I'm nauseous and it's freezig cold in my room even when I'm under my duvet. Groaning I close my eyes again. There is no way that I leave my bed today. But that's how life works - you don't get what you want, or at least not the way you wanted it...
I just snuggle deeper in my duvet when suddenly my phone starts to ring. Sighing I grab it and accept the incoming call. "Yes?," I ask still tired.
"You didn't just wake up, did you? ," a cheerful voice asks back.
"What do you want, Lou. It's way to early to be so happy like you are..."
"Early?!," he laughs "Miky, it's past 11am! God, sometimes I wish I would be still a student! I'm awake since 6am and at work since 7am..."
"That's your problem," I interrupt him slightly annoyed. Why can't he just say what he wants?
"Oh, someone's cranky. Well, I just wanted to ask you if you could bring me some lunch? I forgot to bring it. And I thought that we could eat together then?" I hesitate a moment. I hate hospitals for obvious reasons. And I don't know if I can eat lunch with my brother because I'm still nauseous. But I can't say no at the same time... so I agree "Okay, I'll be there at 12? What do you want to eat?"
"12 sounds great. Hm, Pizza maybe? Or Sushi? You know what? It's up to you.
Thank you, Sis!"
"No problem, Lou. See ya." I end the call and make my way to the bathroom.

*skip way to the clinic *

Finally I stand in front of the clinic where my brother and his best mates work at. My hopes that I maybe feel a bit better when I come here don't come true - just my luck. Instead I feel worse. In addition to my headache, and my nausea I feel a bit dizzy. Knowing that I can't stand here all day long I sigh and enter the clinic with a Pizza in one hand. I greet the receptionist then I make my way to Lou's office. With every step I make I get more nervous frenetic thinking how I can hide my sickness. But fact is that you can't hide sickness from a doctor. Taking a deep breath I knock at Louis' door. "Come in!"
"Hey Lou."
He looks up from his papers a smile spreading over his face. "Miky! Thank god I'm starving!," he exclaims exaggerated. I chuckle and hand him his Pizza. "Thanks, Sis! But where is yours? I thought we eat together?" I shrug and answer "I just ate breakfast. So I'm not really hungry."
"But you stay? So we can talk at least."
"Sure," I reply and sit down on his couch. While Louis eats I try my best to act normal. Suddenly a wave of nausea hits me and I know instantly that I can't hold it any longer. "Excuse me, Lou," I interrupt him "I just need to go to the toilett." He nods and as soon as I out of his sight I start to run. I barely made it to the restroom then I throw everything up what I eat in the last 24 hours. Crying I heave for 5 minutes straight getting weaker and weaker by the minute...

Nialls Pov

I'm on my way back to my office to do some paperwork when I hear crying. I stop and try to figure out where it comes from. It seems like it comes from the rest room. I hesitate a short moment when I see that it is the womens rest room but enter it nevertheless. I mean we are in a hospital and it could be that someone needs help. To the sound of crying comes the sound of throwing up and immediatly my doctor skills kick in. Searching for the right booth I find a girl with blue hair leaning over a bowl. "Miky! Oh my god, are you okay?," I exclaim when I identify the girl as Lou's sister. I hold her hair back and steady her while she expels the contents of her stomach. When she finished Miky falls powerless against my chest. "Better now?," I ask quietly and she nods weakly. "Does Louis know about it?," I continue to speak. Miky shakes her head. A single tear escapes her eyes. "Please, don't tell him," she begs quietly while she rests her head on my shoulder. I can clearly feel the heat radiating off of her. "I don't think that he doesn't notice that you're sick. But I won't tell him if I can check you out, okay?"
"No, please, Niall. You know that I don't like it. And I'm not that sick."
"Sure. You were just about to faint but well, that's nothing too concerning," I say sarcastically and add "Let me check you out or I have to tell Lou. Deal?"
"Deal," she whispers finally. I pick her up because it's obvious that she can't walk on her own, then I carry her into my exam room and lay her down on the bed. "Okay, Miky. What's wrong?," I ask but she doesn't answer. "Don't forget our deal," I remind her. "I'm nauseous, have a headache and I'm dizzy," she tells me.
"And you've got a fever." She groans helplessly while I take her temperature. "39,3. Well, at least it's under 40," I state dryly. Her glossy eyes meet mine and I can clearly see the panic in them. "Hey, hey, shhh. It's not that we can do nothing, sweetie. I guess that you have a terrible stomach bug plus you are dehydrated. That is why you are dizzy. I just start an I.V with medicine and after it you should feel much better, okay?," I try to soothe her but the mention of an I.V didn't soothe her at all. She starts to hyperventilate as panic takes over her mind. "Shit," I mutter silently. With a last look at Miky I grab my cell phone and call Louis. "Niall? What's up?"
"Come to my exam room immediatly! It's Miky!" Instead of an answer the line goes dead. "I'm sorry, Miky, but I had to. Now breath, nice and slowly... in and out," I say while I rub circles on her back. Suddenly the door flies open. "What's wrong with her?!" Louis storms into the room, immediatly hugging his sister. "Shh, Miky, I'm here. Everything's gonna be okay, I promise," he whispers into her ear. Meanwhile he looks at me his eyes asking for an explanation. So I tell him what happend. "... based on the symptomes I guess it's a stomach bug," I conclude. Louis hums in approval. "Or it's food poisening. We visit a ice cream shop yesterday."
"Could be but if you eat the same sort, and I guess you have because you two are like twins, then why don't you have symptomes?," I reply while preparing the I.V. "Yeah, well we eat the same sort. Stomach bug seems more likely to be the case."

Louis Pov

My poor sister! I hate it to see her like this! "Can you calm her down while I do the I.V?," Niall asks. I nod and whisper sweet nothings into my sisters ear. I can feel her shake like a leaf in the wind. As fast as he can Niall puts the I.V in and connects it with the medicine. "All done, Sis. It's over. Now rest and tomorrow you'll feel much better. Promise!," I say. She nods, whispering a small "Thank you" then she falls asleep. With a last stroke over her hair I leave the room and go back to my office to get some paperwork done until Miky wakes up.

*time skip*

It have been 3 hours since Miky fell asleep. I think she'll wake up soon and she should feel way better by now. I'm about to go to her room when suddenly my phone starts to ring "Dr. Tomlinson? Nurse Kelly is speaking."
"Your sisters condition got worse."


to be continued

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