Imagine for poprocks77

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Sadies Pov

The first week after the holidays is always the worst. No doubt about that. Especially when you feel like shit. Then you can also consider it as hell. But well, when your brother is a doctor you just can't complain about it if you don't want to get checked out immediatly. And let me tell you that is the last thing I want right now. I mean I'm 14 so I think I can handle it on my own. Also I don't want Liam to worry over something minor like my coughing and sneezing. "Sadie? Are you ready?" I hear my brother shout from the kitchen. Like I said it's monday and the first day after the summer break. I sigh and stiffle a yawn then I grab my bag and go downstaires. "I'm ready, Li." my voice cracks a bit at the end but before Liam can even say anything I add "Just tired. I didn't sleep well."
"If you say so," he replys but his facial expression shows that he isn't convinced. I roll my eyes annoyed at my brothers behavior. "Yes, I say so. And it would be nice if you believed me for once."
"No need to be mad. I just care about you, little one," Liam says putting his hands up in defence. "Now c'mon or you'll be late!" He grabs the car key and shoos me out.

"Have fun, Sadie!," Liam says while I climb out of the car. I wave him then I turn around and enter the school already knowing that it'll be a bad day.
"I don't have to say that you look like shit, have I?," my best friend Cassy greets me while eyeing me. "Why didn't you tell your brother?"
"'Cause I can handle it on my own! So cut it," I reply already annoyed. But not because of my best friend but because of my throbing head and my congested lungs. "Geez, girl!," Cassy mutters, clearly irritated with my behaviour but she changes the topic. "Sooo... how was your weekend?" I look at her with a smile "Wow, you are so creative!," I reply sarcastically. "Oh hush! That was the first thing I came up with!," she laughs and we both head to our first class - math. Usually it is already like a bother for me being not that great with calculating numbers but with a headache that feels like being constantly  hit with a sledgehammer it is absolutely torture. I groan in pain and blink a few times to clear my blurry vision. "Sadie? Sadie!" The voice of my teacher brings brings back to reality. "Hm?" I look up noticing the concernd expression on his face when he says "Are you okay?" I am about to answer when black dots appaer in my vision. "I... I don't...," I stutter unable to form a coherent sentence. My senses seem to fade in and out and then without any warning everything turns into darkness...

"I knew something was up! This is my fault!"
"It isn't and you know that. Don't blame yourself for something you can't help."
"But she's my sister! I should have known that she's sick! I should have taken her to the clinic instead of school this mornig!" Hushed voices break through the darkness around me. I can't move or open my eyes, not able to find a way out of the black that befog my senses. So I continue to listen to the words.
"Li, calm down! She is just unconscious and as long as we don't know what's wrong there is no need to worry. She could be only dehydrated or malnourished. Just wait until she wakes up, yeah?" A heavy sigh follows, then:
"Yeah, you're probably right. I'm just worried...."
"Understandable. I mean if one of my sisters faints at school I would be also worried to death." My dazed mind starts to comprehend the situation. It seems like I am in the clinic of my brother, who stands besides my bed with one of his mates. Probably Louis because neither Niall nor Harry has several sisters... but I can't remember what exactly happend... "I think she's waking up. Her heartbeat and her breathing increase slightly." Suddenly a warm hand grab my own. "Sadie, can you hear me?  Squeeze my hand if you can, yeah? C'mon little one!" With all my will power I do what Liam asked for and the darkness around me seems to lose its intansity. "Well done, little one! Can you open your eyes for me? But take your time, don't stress, okay?" I try but they're so heavy! But I don't give up, I mean I am a Payne and we don't give up just because it doesn't work the first time. After a few minutes I can finally open my eyes but I shut them immediatly because of the brightness of the light. Blinking a few times my eyes adjust to the light and I'm able to notice my brother next to me. He smiles warmly, his chocolate brown eyes full of relief. "Hey, little one. How do you feel?"
"Tired. And everything hurts," I rasp out, wincing right after because of the sound of my voice. I cough then I ask "What happend?" Instead of Liam someone else answers. "You passed out at school." I turn my head only to find Louis sitting on the other side of my bed. His greenish-blue eyes looking at me friendly. "Your teacher called an ambulance because you didn't wake up and they brought you here. You were out for about two hours." I gasp when I hear how long I've been out. "Don't worry about it, Sadie. You are awake now and that's all that matters. The only thing we have to worry about is what's wrong with you. So tell us what hurts, okay?," Louis calms me down. I nod and say "I have a terrible headache and my chest hurts. I can't stop coughing and sneezing and I am kind of dizzy..."
My brothers eyes fill with concern as soon as he hears my symptomes. Carefully he feels my forehead and confirms "Add a fever to that list. I think you have the flu and you passed out because of dehydration." Louis nods and agrees "Yeah, that is also my first guess. But we have to take a blood semple and examine you to be sure. I go and get the things we need. Be right back." Then he leaves. As soon as he has closed the door Liam asks "Sadie, why didn't you tell me that you didn't feel well?" I sigh knowing that he is disappointed at me. I don't look at him while I say "You know me. I thought I could handle it on my own and I don't want to be a bother. But obviously I couldn't handle it..."
He strokes my hair then he pushes my chin up so that I have to look at him. "You will never be a bother to me, Sadie! Never! Remember that. Whenever you need me either as a brother or as a doctor don't hesitate to come to me, okay? I'll be there for you, no matter what, alright?" I smile when I hear his words then I sit up and embrace him in a hug. But sadly my dizziness comes back with vehemence. "Woah, easy, little one!," Liam says while helping me to lay back down again. I close my eyes as exhaustion washes over me... "Sleep a bit, Sadie. You need to rest as much as you can," Liam whispers and covers me with a blanket.

Liams Pov

I leave the room quietly when Sadie falls asleep, knowing that she'll sleep at least a few hours because her body needs the rest to recover. In the hallway I meet Louis who carrys a tray with a blood kit and a thermometer along with his stethoscope around his neck and a blood pressure cuff. "She is asleep right now but I think she is so out of it that you can do whatever you need without her waking up."
"Alright, mate. Want to help?" I nod an follow him back into Sadies room. While I take her temperature, Louis starts to listen to her heart and lungs. "Her lungs crackle." Louis voice is full of worry. I sigh. "103.6 / 39,7," I add. "That isn't good..." he shakes his head and wraps the cuff around her upper arm. "Her blood pressure is a bit high but nothing too concerning. I guess our first diagnosis was wrong. She has most likely pneumonia."
"Yeah, seems like it. Okay, let's get some blood and then we start an I.V with strong antibiotics, alright?" Louis agrees then he unpack the needle and the vials to get a blood semple from my sister while I put an I.V on her hand. I go and get some antibiotics then I return and attach them on Sadies I.V. "I hope that works," I whisper. Louis puts encouragingly a hand on my shoulder. "It will, don't worry. Let's take these samples to our laboratory. Niall can analyze them. And you Li, go get some rest. You had a twelve hour shift and sat by your sister another few hours. You must be exhausted."
"I am but she needs me. I can't go home now."
"Mate, those antibiotics we gave her are really strong. She will be asleep at least  until tomorrow mornig. Please, at least lay down in your office, okay?," Louis reassures me and I nod feeling the exhaustion in my bones. "But you wake me up if her condition gets worse!"
"Of course, Liam. Now go." Knowing that there is nothing more to do, I enter my office, laying down on the couch and slip into a restless sleep...

Nialls Pov

I sit in the lab analyzing some blood samples when suddenly Louis enters the room. "Are you busy right now, Ni?"
"Hey, Lou! A bit yes why? Do we have an emergency?"
He sighs "Yes, in a way... Liams sister." I turn around shocked. "Sadie is here? What happend?," I ask worried. "It seems like she has pneumonia but I have some blood samples for you to analyze."
"I do them now," I say and he hands me the vials. "I think in maybe an hour I am done. I let you know when I find something, alright?" Lou nods and answers "Thanks, mate!" Then he leaves. I take the samples and begin to analyze them...

"F*ck!" I pale visibly when I read the results. This is a catastrophy! I curse loudly unable to control myself but in consideration of the results I think it is absolutely understandable! Without hesitation I grab my phone and dial Louis number. "C'mon, c'mon, hurry up!," I murmur while pacing up and down. Finally he answers cheerfully "Niall! Do you have the results?"
"I do. Sadie has ESBL."

author's note;

Part Two is coming soon!

Hey guys! First of all we're sorry that we don't update more often but we are very busy at the moment. But don't think we forgot your requests! Nevertheless, we had an idea of a story in which the boys are doctors, too, but not as an imagine book but as a coherent story which we connect with your requests. And now we want to know: What do you think of it?

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