Imagine for KelseyLodewyk2205

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Harrys Pov

Finally a break! I sigh happily as I walk down the street to the underground station. I want to visit this amazing little restaurant that the lads an I found a few days ago. Let me tell you, their lasagna is absolutely delicious! The only thing is that it is in the centre of London and our clinic is a bit out of town so that I have to take the underground to go there. But well, it is absolutely worth it! I hum in anticipation when I enter the station. At this time there are only a few people here. An elderly Lady, a few business men talking eagerly on their phones, and a young girl, who is running down the stairs with a hounded look on her face. She carrys an instrument with her taking two steps at once. I'd really like to know why she is in such a hurry but I guess I'll never know. So I turn around studying the timetable for the next train to the centre. A sudden cry makes me spin around until I find the source of it: The girl with the instrument. She is clutching her chest tightly, panting, and shaking her head rapidly while watching the leaving train. Cautiously I take a few steps towards her fearing she might have a panic attack. "Excuse me? Are you okay?," I ask her. I don't get an answer instead her breathing becomes unsteady. That's when my doctor skills kick in.

*a few moments before*

Kelseys Pov

"Damn it, damn it, damn it!," I curse under my breath. I'm late and when I don't get that train I'll miss the concert, my band mates and I practised for weeks now! And such an opportunity you'll only get once. So I speed up. A bad idea. My chest starts to hurt which it does since the last few weeks but I ignored it. I also ignored the cough and my shortness of breath just because I can't get sick now. First because of the concert and second because I'm a bit scared of doctors. And I mean it can't be that bad right? So I go on. I glance at my watch cursing again. Only 5 minutes left and I'm not even at the station. I start running practically flying down the stairs of the station. But with no use. Just when I arrive at the right platform the doors are closing and with a light rumble the train sets off. No! No, no, no, no! This can't be happening! I let out a cry and my breathing increase. Clutching my chest protectively, I shake my head in disbelief. I... no... why?! Suddenly I'm unable to catch a clear thought and I start to feel a bit lightheaded. Just like I can't get enough oxygen into my lungs. I start to panic, not sure what's going on with me when suddenly a voice next to me asks " Excuse me? Are you okay?" I shake my head no, searching desperatly for help in his emerald eyes. He says something but his voice seems to fade in and out just like my vision. Without any warning my legs give out but the guy next to me reacts in a matter of seconds and catches me. After this I black out...

Harrys Pov

"Shit!" Carefully I lay her down on the floor feeling for a pulse while taking my phone out and calling an ambulance. Luckily she breathes on her own. I gently tap her cheek and say "Hey, sweety, can you hear me?" A soft groan escapes her lips and she starts to stir. "Sweety, can you open your eyes for me? Can you do that?," I encourage her and a few seconds later her eyes flutter open. "What...where... Who are you?" She stutters a bit confused while trying to sit up. Gently I push her down and sooth her "Don't sit up yet. You passed out because of a panic attack. I'm Harry. Lucky you that I was on my way for lunch. Now tell me your name and what's wrong."
"Why should I?," she asks suspicious.
"Because you, young Lady, passed out and since I'm a doctor I try to help you. Now tell me. Otherwise you have to let another doctor check you out. It's up to you." She hesitates a bit but finally admits "I'm Kelsey. And I am fine."
"Sure you are. Every healthy person faints now and then," I reply sarcastically. In a softer way I add "Why won't you tell me? Are you scared?" Instead of an answer tears built up in her eyes and she nods. "I'm... I'm just affraid that you find something serious and... and then I have to die or worse!," Kelsey sobs while tears stream down her face. "Oh, Kelsey," I sigh a bit shocked and stroke carefully her hair. Then I continue "Shh, don't cry. Today there are so many ways to cure any disease you can think of. Of course, some are incurable but even if you have one of these - which I'm sure you haven't from what I can see right now - I would do everything I could to help you. Promise! Don't be affraid of us, of me. We're here to help." After my little speech she seems a lot calmer and admits quietly "My chest hurts and it is difficult to breath." I nod and say "Okay, sounds like a flu to me but I need to get some X-rays of your lungs because we have to make sure you don't have pneumonia, alright?" Kelsey nods and relaxes a bit until she notices two paramedics who come running down the stairs with a stretcher. Kelsey breathing increases and become unsteady again. I curse under my breath and shout "Hurry up! I need oxygen! Now!" One of the paramedics passes me an oxygen mask which I put immediatly on Kelsey face. "Take deep breaths, Kelsey! Just breath. You are fine like you said earlier!" Her eyes meet mine begging for help then they flutter and she slips into unconsciousness. Immediatly I jump into action "Help me to put her on the stretcher. We need to get her into the clinic!" As fast as possible we lift her up onto the stretcher and then into the waiting ambulance. And then we are finally on our way to the clinic.

*skip car ride*

As soon as I enter the clinic I am greet with a confused Niall. "Haz? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to eat at this awesome little restaurant with that also awesome lasagna which I would die for right now?" I chuckle at his comment but focus quickly on Kelsey again. "Yes, but then I met Kelsey and lets say she didn't want that I'm getting a break." His eyes widen as he notices the paramedics who wheel Kelsey into our clinic. "Oh god! What happend?"

"She had a panic attack back in the underground and lost consciousness twice because of the lack of oxygen. So I called an ambulance because she needs to get checked out. I guess it's a bad case of the flu or maybe pneumonia but I'm not sure yet. I need an X-ray. Do you know if it's free at the moment?"

"I guess. Need any help?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all, mate, " he laughs and adds "Go change. I take her in room five."

"Thanks, Niall. Be right back!"

Kelseys Pov

When I wake up I am greet with two sparkling blue eyes looking into mine. I startle a bit not knowing where I am and who these eyes belong to. "Sorry Kelsey I didn't mean to startle you. How are you feeling?," the man or doctor in front of me asks. "Where is Harry?," I ask back while searching desperatly my surroundings for those vibrant green eyes. "I'm here, Kelsey. Don't worry," I hear a voice from the door. "This is Niall by the way. He is also a doctor and a friend of mine. I hope you don't mind that he helps to check you out?," he asks carefully. I bite my lip and look at Niall. With his blonde hair and his friendly blue eyes behind his glasses he seems to be nice. And he is a friend of Harrys. So I nod. "Great!," Niall says while flashing me a bright smile. I smile back but still a bit nervous. "Okay Kelsey, I need to listen to your heart and lungs, alright? Meanwhile Niall takes your temperature," Harry informs me. Then he grabs a stethoscope and starts. "Deep breathes, Kelsey," he instructs. I obey but flinch a bit as something enters my ear. "Sorry. It's just me," Niall apologises while taking my temperature. He frowns when he sees the number. "38,7. That's definitely too high!"
"And her lungs are very congested," Harry adds. "But her heart rate is fine. Let's take her blood pressure and then an X-ray," Harry says to Niall who agrees and replys "I go and prepare the X-ray." Then he leaves and Harry wraps the cuff around my arm. I squirm uncomfortably because of the tightness and Harry gives me an apologetic look. "Just a few more seconds. And done. Wasn't too bad, was it?"
I shake my head no and Harry turns around to write something down. I watch him nervously but then I ask quietly "What if I have pneumonia?" His eyes meet mine and care in it calms me down a bit. "Then you have to stay here for a while and you get antibiotics. Nothing to worry about. You'll be healthy in no time, " he assures me "But first we have to be sure you have it. Ready for the X-ray?"
"Does it hurt?"
"No, not at all," he smiles and offers me a hand to help me up. Then he helps me into a wheelchair. Soon we arrive at a room with warning signs and Harry wheels me into it. After that he helps me onto a bed and starts to adjust a maschine over my chest. "Try not to move, okay?," he instructs while spreading a heavy blanket over my lower half. "I'll be back in a minute. And don't move," Harry reminds me again. It wasn't even a full minute when Harry comes back. "And?," I ask nervously. "Yes, you have pneumonia. That means that we have to get some antibiotics into you. But like I said earlier you'll be healthy sooner than you think." Again he help me into a wheelchair but this time he wheels me into a normal room with two beds in it. Right when I lay down somebody knocks. "Yes?," Harry answers and Niall opens the door. "Here are the antibiotics," he says refering to the I.V in his hands. My eyes widen and I back away. "No! I don't want one!," I panic, my voice high because of fear. "But you need it in order to get better," Harry says and Niall adds "It isn't as bad as you think. I bet you'll don't even notice when Harry puts the needle in. He is good in making them as painless as possible." While he speaks he passes the things to Harry. "How do you know that?," I ask not fully convinced yet. Niall smiles and tells me "Back in June it was unbelievable hot one day and I had so much work that I didn't have enough time to drink something. Obviously a bad idea. I nearly fainted because of dehydration and Harry had to start an I.V to rehydrate me again. I didn't feel a thing. Just like you." I send him a confused look not really knowing what the last sentence mean, when Harry says "Done!" "How?," I murmur in disbelief and the doctors just chuckle. "You were so distracted by Niall that you didn't notice what I was doing. Now try to sleep a bit. We'll come back later to check on you," Harry says. "Get well soon," Niall adds while following his friend and closing the door softly...

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