Imagine for Da_Miky_Ninja437 (part 2)

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Louis Pov

I can feel my blood turn into ice as soon as I hear those words but my medically trained mind starts to analyze the situation. It's almost impossible that the bacteria resist the antibiotics we gave my sister and her symptomes are specific for a stomach bug...
While I run to my sisters room a list of illnesses runs through my mind which she could have. Stomach bug and food poisoning are already excluded but the list is endless. Finally I reach her room. I don't bother to knock and open the door. There lies Miky pale like the sheets that cover her thin body. She tosses and turns in her sleep, her skin glistening with sweat from her high fever. Immediatly I am by her side and stroke her hair soothingly while I grab the thermometer with my other hand and take her temperature. Just when it beeps the door flies open and Niall enters the room.
"Mate, I just heard it. What's her temp?," he asks while checking her vitals. "40.1," I answer, worry clearly noticable in my voice. "If we don't get it down fast..." My voice cracks and I'm not able to continue the sentence but Niall knows what I wanted to say. "Calm down, Lou. We'll figure out what's wrong and help her!" I nod but I can't help but to think of what could be.
"Louis! Stop worrying and help me to find out what's wrong with Miky! You don't help her when you stress yourself out!," Niall says harshly but that's exactly what I need. I take a deep breath and reply "You're right, Niall. What do you think she has?"
"Maybe appendicitis." But I shake my head. "No, she got it removed a few years ago. What about menigits?"
"She doesn't show any signs of a rash."
" Mononucleosis."
"The kissing disease? Most unlikly. I mean she's 11 and I didn't hear of a case in her surrounding field."
Niall sighs deeply and says "That'll get us nowhere. Maybe we should start again from the beginning. So, when did she start to feel ill?"
"Yesterday she seemed to be totally fine. So I guess this mornig, or maybe in the night but not earlier. Whatever this is, it's affecting her fast..."
"Yeah, unfortunately. We should hurry. Did she do something out of the usual yesterday?," Niall continues. I'm about to say no but then I hesitate. Her hair. She did dye her hair. "Talk to me, Lou!"
"She dyed her hair. Maybe she's allergic to it."
"Either this or it's toxic. I'll run a tox screening and you have to find the rests and the package of the colour! And hurry!" Without hesitation I run out of the clinic, jumping into my car and speeding home.

Nialls Pov

This is bad like really bad! We have no idea whether one of the chemicals in the colour is toxic or a combination of a few,  or if Miky is allergic to an ingrediant. "I'll be right back, Miky," I soothe the girl and stroke her hair while she tosses and turns, thanks to her fever dreams. I leave to get a blood kit and return to a screaming and crying Miky. "Louis... Louis! I... Niall! No, no, no! Help me!"
Immediatly I'm by her side shaking her slightly to wake her up. "Miky! Sweety, hey wake up. It's just a dream."
Her eyes flutter open revealing glossy green-brownish irises. "Niall," she sobs and throws her arms around me. "Shh, it's alright, it's ok. Calm down." Her tears soak my scrubs. "Stop crying, Miky. Otherwise you dehydrate yourself. It was just a dream...," I whisper in her ear and she slowly starts to calm down. "There you go..."
Her sobs get quieter and finally she is calm again. "Miky, I know you are not going to like it but I have to get some blood from you. We guess you are either
allergic to your new hair colour or it's toxic and if it's the later option we need to give you an antidote which we can determine with the rests of the posion in your blood," I explain to her when she is calm enough. Her already pale face seems to pale even more as soon as she hears my words. "No, please!," she begs but I shake my head. "Miky, we have to! Otherwise we can't help. I don't want to scare you but maybe you change your mind when you know. If we don't find out soon what's wrong with you, you... you could die."

Louis Pov

Hectically I search through Mikys rubbish. Maybe I find the package of the colour. And I seem to be lucky! "Thank god!," I murmur while scanning through the ingrediants that were listed on it. I'm only half way through when my heart stops for a second. Shit! It was so obvious, so logical! Without hesitation I grab my cell phone and dial Nialls number.
"Louis! I really hope you found something because it gets every minute harder to stabilise your sister!"
Those words cut like a knife through my heart but I try to concentrate for Mikys sake!
"I did! In her dye was Methylene blue, which is toxic if you came in contact with a larger dosage. She needs Lorazepam immediatly!"
"Are you sure? Because if you are wrong I can't garantee that your sister will survive!" I hesitate. If I'm wrong I will be the one who killed her. My heart fights against my mind and vice versa, emotions against logic. I am about to scream in frustration. I wish I could double check my diagnosis but I just don't have the time to and Methylene blue is our only clue. It has to be it! Finally I answer, confidence clear in my voice
"I am! And if we do nothing she will die either way..."
"Okay. I give it to her. Hurry up, mate."
Oh how I hope I did the right thing...

Nialls Pov

It's been two whole days since we injected Miky the antidote and until now there is no improvement. Louis doesn't leave her side and he seems to be only a shadow of his normal self. I sigh and step closer to him. "Lou, you really should sleep a bit. How long have you been here? 48 hours? More?" He just shrugs.
"I'm serious, Lou! Go get some rest or I have to force you. I promise to wake you up if there is an improvement."
But he shakes his head. I sigh. "Mate!," I warn him and this time he turns around and looks up to me with tear-stained eyes. "I can't. It's my fault. If she dies... " his voice breaks but he continues "If she dies I don't think I can live on." My eyes widen at his words. "Louis, did you hear what you just said?! It's not your fault! And if anything you just tried to help her! How could you even think like that?"
He sighs silently. "Maybe because it's true..."
"For gods sake, Lou! She's still alive and she will be healthy again! She won't die!"
"You can't know that."
I'm speechless for a moment. How can someone be so pessimistic? "I swear, Louis, if you don't start to think positive immediatly and go to get some rest or at least eat a bit, I'm going to sedate and force-feed you!"
"You wouldn't."
"Dare me!"
He hesitates and I can see uncertainty in his eyes. "Promise me to tell me immediatly if something change, Niall!"
I nod. "Promise." He looks to his sleeping sister and whispers "I'll be back soon, little one! I love you, never forget that, yeah?" Then he stands up. I grab his arm when I see him wobble but he brushes me of. "I'm fine, Ni. Don't worry." I let go but keep an eye on him as he walks out of the room.

*a few hours later*

Louis Pov

I'm about to go back to Miky after a few hours of sleep and a meal when I get a message from Niall.

She woke up :)

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