The Mistake You Cant Erase Ch. 17

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Chapter 17 

The driver begins to take you to Justin's house. You look at Justin and smile. He looks over at you and smiles back. It doesn't take long to get to Justin's house. The gate opens and you enter the drive way. The car parks and everyone gets off. Justin quickly takes you inside and shows you to his room. Your stomach begins to to hurt and you feel like you wanna puke again. You go to the bathroom and sit on the floor. You face the toilet and begin to puke. Justin is downstairs getting your bags to bring them upstairs.

Justin gets to the room, "hey babe, are you hungry?"

He hears you throwing up and runs over to see if you are okay. He sees you and your face is almost white.

You look up at him, "can we go to the hospital?" 


He scoops you off the floor and takes you downstairs.

"Hey scooter, I'll be back, I'm taking (yn) to the hospital. She doesn't look so good."

He walks out of the house and puts you back into the car. He sits next to you and gently holds you close to him. The driver quickly rushes to the hospital. When you arrive to the hospital, nurses rush to help you.

"Come bring her to the back."

Justin follows the nurses and takes you to one of the beds. The nurses start to hook you up the machines.

"So what's wrong?" They say to justin. 

"She might be pregnant. But we're not sure yet?" 

"Do you mind waiting in the lobby sir?" 

"I can't stay!?" 

"No sir, now please go wait in the lobby. We will come get you when we are done." 

"Okay." He gives you a kiss and watches as the nurses take you away.

After an hour of waiting, Justin is getting scared. The doctor comes out and calls your name.

Justin quickly springs out of his seat. "Is she Okay?" 

"Everything is fine. Come with me so I can tell both of you."

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