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Luffy POV
"I love you too" I said this with a straight face.

She looked really shocked at my words but before her expression changed I spoke up again.

"But I'm not IN love with you though." I can see her face switch to disappointment.

It's not the first time someone asked me out. I knew shirahoshi liked me in a romantic way, I was just surprised she did it today. It had to happen someday I guess. I thought.

She stayed silent. Tears threatening to fall.

"I love all my friends and that includes you." I paused. " but I just don't want to be your boyfriend"

That's when She began to cry I just watched. I don't like it when my friends cry but I guess there is no helping it.

I reached over to try and and pat her shoulder to maybe reassure her or something but she took a step back.

She looked at me with watery eyes.

"Is this really how you feel?" Her voice was shaky. I nodded.

She turned and jogged away still in tears. I didn't go after her though, she probably needed to be alone to think.

I sighed.

I sat down on the grass leaning on the wall of the building. I looked up at the sky.

I may not know much but I can sometimes tell if someone has feelings for me. Shirahoshi just makes it obvious. I didn't want to hurt her but how can I reject someone without hurting their feelings.

Laws POV
Holy shit. I felt like I died then came back to life. I was holding my chest with one hand and the other, placed on the wall to support my weight I was also wheezing. Kid was doing the same.

I saw luffy take a seat on floor. He looked a little sad which kind of made me upset.

Kid had decided to walk away, still clutching to his chest mumbling something about getting water or whatever.

I decided to sit beside luffy.

He noticed me walk towards him and looked at me with glassy eyes, he looked really upset. I opened my arms wide open without saying a word and he quickly moved forward to give me a hug. He clutched on to my shirt and I moved one hand to his head and another to his back.

"Torao I don't like hurting my friends" his voice was muffled because his face was buried in my chest.

"I know you don't" I said in a smooth voice. I began to rub his back to comfort him.

Clearly he was upset about making that girl cry.

He pulled away still holding onto my shirt. I looked at his obsidian eyes as he looked into my gray ones just like before. We stayed like this for awhile.

He then moved his arms to wrap them around my shoulders and buried his face In the nook of my neck.

"Torao please don't leave me" he mumbled. We stayed like this for a while. I can feel the heat of his breath on my neck it gave me shivers and my face began to heat up.

He moved so he could face me. I placed my hands on both sides of his face. He had tears in the corners of his eyes and I wiped them away with my thumbs.

"I'll never leave you mugiwara-ya"

"LIKE HELL YOU WON'T" we both flinched at the sudden voice. That damn voice.

I turn my head and luffy-ya looks up to see who it was. Fire-fucking-fist ace. Father that is all holy, please give me the strength to not murder this son of a bitch for ruining a beautiful moment of my shitty life. And look who's behind him, it's Sabo and Marco.

Ace looked pissed, though Sabo looked calmer but you'd be brainless to think that in his little mind he is thinking of 20 thousand ways to kill me. Marco had a bored expression on his face. He was one of the many people thought that these two brothers were way over-protective.

"Calm your shit portgas. I was comforting him." I said aggravated

"COMFORTING HIM WITH YOUR CROTCH. GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF MY BROTHER." I'm starting to get pissed but did my best not to flip him off.

"It's not like that" I growled.

"Ace calm down I'm sure they have a perfectly good explanation for this yoi" Marco said.

"Luffy come over here. Did he do anything. Did he touch you anywhere" ace said completely ignoring Marco.

"What the hell do you think I did to him" I said annoyed

"No nii-chan, torao was making me feel better cuz I was sad." Luffy said

"Huh why were you sad luffy. Did something happen." Sabo had finally joined the conversation.

"I made shirahoshi cry. I told her I didn't love her in a romantic way."

"Don't feel bad about that. You could've come to us ya'know instead of going to this pervert" ace said with a little venom coming out of his voice from the last part.

"OI" I yelled

"Shishishishi nah torao is nice"

"See ace they did have a reason, now, let's go you'll miss lunch ya'know yoi"

As he said that ace and Sabo ran off to eat, Marco following behind. Thank god he was around.

Me and luffy got up from the floor.

"Thank you torao" I smiled and Ruffled his hair.

Luffy's POV

A blush crept up as torao ruffled my hair. I don't think he noticed thankfully.

You may be surprised but I kind of have a crush on torao. Although nobody knows except Nami robin and vivi.

Everybody thinks I'm too innocent to know what being in a relationship is like and I wouldn't be prepared to be in one. It's so annoying cuz just because I don't have much experience in that field doesn't mean I'm not ready. I guess it's my fault for making people think I'm like this innocent little "saint" on a count of how childish I can be, especially when It comes to food or if I get overly excited.

I'm glad that torao is here though I just wish he could feel the same way though.

There are times that we look into each other's eyes for long time. That could mean something. Right?

I have deceived you all.
I made luffy a little smarter so yeah.
There are some characters in the story that don't have a ranking so instead of putting their ranks in the story I'm just gonna put it at the end of the chapter.
Sabo Ace and Marco: S/0
Shirahoshi: D/5
I apologize for the people who don't really like swearing.

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