"Make a move already"

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I know I'm a piece of shit for updating so late. I know. I feel shitty for that and I'm sorry. Warning there will be some intense stuff going not lemon type of stuff but still kind of intense.
Law's POV
I left luffy-ya in my room by himself because I don't think I can last another second looking at his slim thighs without passing out from a nose bleed. I'd be like sanji when he's surrounded by big breasted women.

It took me a long ass time going through boxes to look for pants that could fit luffy-ya. I went through boxes that had Christmas ornaments, boxes that had a bunch of photo albums of me as a kid, and I also happen to come across a box that had handcuffs, collars, a gag and some flavored lube. What the fuck. There was more but I didn't really want to know so I closed it and kicked it away from me. I need to sanitize my hands.

After a couple of minutes I finally found the box that had my old clothes. I looked through the box and found a black pair of jeans that seemed like they would fit luffy-ya.

I got up from where I was sitting and was about to walk out the attic when I saw who blocking the exit, cora-San.

"There you are. Luffy's waiting"

"Yea I know. I was getting him pants... Wait why aren't you at work."

"I didn't want to go so I bailed" he said with a grin.

"You can't just keep bailing you'll get fired"

"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it"

'Sigh' "alright cora-san do whatever you want, i don't care what you do" I was done with the conversation I just wanted to get back to my room to give Luffy the damn pants.

I walk out the attic with cora-san following behind.

I walked into the room and found luffy-ya looking at his phone with a small smile on his face and a ting of red on his cheeks. "I have the pants luffy-ya" I didn't dare look any lower than his waist. After all these years, my self control has been weakening. God I sound like a perv.

He turns to me and gives me a huge grin and runs towards me just to stop a couple of inches in front of me, his face not so far from mine. Shit he's too close. I can feel heat spread across my face a bit but I keep a straight face or at least I tried. "Thank you torao" his cheeks began to redden.

"I'll leave you to change in my room, I'll be down stairs with Cora-San to get some snacks ready" I turn and walk out the room, dragging Cora-San with me and closed the door.

Luffy POV
Right before law and corazon came in I was texting Nami about where I was since I was no where to be found in school.

(Flash back )
Nami: luffy where in the hell are you? No ones seen you at lunch. What the hell?????

Luffy: sorry Nami. I went to torao's house. I'm still going to eat if you thought I wasn't.

Nami: I'm not worried about that you idiot. Wait you're at law's house? Did you make a move yet??? Did you guys do it???

I was blushing like mad after her response.

Luffy: WHAT!!?? NO!!!

Nami: what then why did you guys even go to the house. Damn Luffy. man up. if you don't do anything he's going to find someone else so hurry up and make a move already.

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