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From a long day of work, tiresome day, haggard activities , it is so comforting and encouraging to read something that will uplift our emotions as well as our souls.

This book aims to give reminders, encouragements and comfort to those who are weary, sorrowful, lonely, happy, excited, devoted, etc.

This is for the children, youths, students, workers and employees, for the single, married couples, in a relationship, or even for families and friends, but especially written for you and for me.

As we read this, may this help us and uplift us from our day-to-day activities or duties, from our everyday stresses and haggardness and be reminded of the great love that Someone is offering to each and every one of us; for the rich, poor, black or white, for everyone.

God bless and I hope you will join and support me as I finish this entry.

Thank you very much

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