"Let's Have A Ride"

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Life is indeed a journey. When we finished our studies, got a degree or even be married, we cannot say that life is done and we have reached our destination. Life is a never-ending journey.

We are traveling on a not so familiar road. And during our travel, we may encounter people that will travel with us. They will accompany us until you came to a point that when you are actually enjoying the company, they have to leave.

Another traveler is the cheerer. They won't go with us and accompany us, but will just give us hopes, strengths and encouragements along the way.

It is not prohibited or never wrong to rest during your journey, but never stop for good or permanently.

The trip will give is different emotions, will make us ecstatic, happy, angry, hungry and other more emotions. But those are not reasons to settle. We SHOULD ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD! Always keep moving!

There are also travelers that will shutter, scatter or splash dirt on you. Yes, you will be dirty and ragged. Those are the kind of travelers that will make you filthy an unworthy.

In life, there are a lot of cross-roads, rocks, falling debris, rugged roads, zigzags and many more. But never take short cuts or detours, because taking the detours will make you just missed life's lessons and experiences.

No matter where we are, who we encounter and whatever situation we are in, we should learn to let God and move forward.

Always focus on what is ahead for yesterdays had passed, nothing we can do to undo what had happened.

Let us remember Colossians 4:5 it reads, " Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity."

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