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There are certain moments in our lives when we have regrets and we want to go back and start all over again.

Time machine - - - the hope of many; the hope of those people with uncertainties on their futures, the hope of young people who are eagerly wanted to grow old, but most of all, the hope of the people who committes wrong decisionss in life and want to undo everthing and start over, hope of those people who wanted to reminisce and be back to the best moments of their lives.

Yes, we all want a time machine, but things that have passed will never be back again, words utteres cannot be deleted, actions done cannot be reenacted anymore.

The regrets we have will only serve as teachers in our lives. We should never live in our past mistakes and regrets rather make those things inspirations and motivations to move forward and be better.

God never wants us to dwell on our pasts. He wants us to let go, move on and move forward- - - move closer to Him.

God never leaves us during our struggles, during our happineas, during our troubled moments, during our successes, during our sorrows. He is always there, we just sometimes chose not to let Him be in our hearts.

It is always our choice to let God be part of our simple yet challenging lives; be the guide of our future, mentor of our present and teacher of our past.

It is always up to us. Ask Him to be with you. Let Him enter in your heart and I guarantee, you won't be having REGRETS.

As James 4:14,15 states- - -
"Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow, what is life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.
Instead, you ought to say, "if it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that.""

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