The Parade

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Levi's POV

I glanced over at Serenity who was tightening her grip on my hand as we follow Klyl and Galaga outside into The Capitol. The Capitol was outrageous, and there were people with neon hair colors wandering the streets. We didn’t see much before we were whisked away by two people to be prepped. A man with purple hair and golden eyelashes eyes me carefully before he signals people to strip my clothes off.

    “I’m Gilaven, your stylist. I will be prepping you for the arena and your interview and the Parade. Ick, what have you done to those eyebrows?” Gilaven eyed my naked body making me very uncomfortable and ran his fingers across my eyebrows while introducing the rest of the team, “This is Kara, Maven, and Key.” I was thrown into a shower booth to clean the grim off my body. Once my body was clean Kara began trimming my nails while Key worked on my eyebrows and facial hair, and Maven was cutting away at my hair while Gilaven got my outfit ready. I winced when the used wax to pull extra hair from my eyebrows, and they pulled all of my facial hair out. They cut off most of my hair but thought it look nice with swoop bangs.

    “Ick, look at that farmer’s tan!” Gilaven exclaimed digging out an airbrush can.

    Gilaven airbushed my entire body with a tanning solution. Then he grabbed a paint brush and multiple cans of different colored paint. He began to paint on my body with a steady hand and I looked to see him painting DNA strands on my legs. The spiraled up and around my chest climbing my neck and up to my hair line. Teh colors were blue, green, red, and yellow and I noticed that the DNA was personalized to me; they must’ve sampled my DNA and figured out the pattern. He handed me a pair of swimtrunks that were bright yellow with a red five painted on the left leg. I was taken into a room where Galaga and Klyl waited. Klyl smirked at me, “Much better then what I had to wear.”

    “What’d you wear?” I asked waiting anxiously for Serenity.

    “They dressed me up like a tracker jacker, and boy, was that a hoot,” Klyl explained making me chuckle.

    Klyl eyed my bare chest and abdomen as if he was trying to figure out if I should have my shirt off.

    “Do you lift a lot?” Klyl asked as Serenity entered.

    “Kinda, I guess,” I replied making Klyl nod.

Serenity's POV

“Take your clothes off, we can’t have you in these “clothes” . Her nose wrinkled up in disgust. Slowly I did as she said and remained in my underwear. Maria shook her head.

   “All off  girlie.” I cringed but did as she said. Once everything was off Maria and Rose threw me into a shower and actually scrubbed me pink. Once they were satisfied they gave me a small towel to wrap around myself and made me sit in a high chair. Maria spun me around and got out scissors.

   “Girl, your hair is beautiful.  OMG your split ends! I’ll just give you and trim and..” She tapped her chin. “ Oh! Bangs. Heh. Imma genius!” She clapped her hands and took the scissors to my hair. Rose came in front of me and started working on my nails. Ryan and Chester looked at my face and legs. They looked at each other and nodded. Chester took some sticky strips to my face while Ryan took a razor and cream and shaved my legs. I was so uncomfortable. I don’t even know these people. Once everyone was done Chester pulled me out of the chair and twirled me around. He walked over to a closest I didn’t know existed and pulled out what looked like underwear and put it in his pocket. He pulled out an airbrush and a few cans of paint. He walked over and stood in front of me, pulling out the underwear.

   “Drop the towel and put these on.” He shoved the strapless yellow bra and matching underwear at me and turned around. The bottoms had a red five in the upper right hand corner. I quickly did as he said and cleared my throat.  Ryan turned around, giving me a thumbs up and started airbrushing DNA strands all over my body. When he was done, I looked like a.. well, DNA. Maria and her crew stepped back and looked at me.

Maria smiled,


Maria lead me into a room with Levi, Galaga and Klyl. I walked over to Levi and stood next to him, he looked good. I let my eyes wander before I looked up and smiled at him. He flashed his own smile before looking back a Klyl.

   “  Alright, you guys have to be so in love in that chariot it’ll make people want to get you guys out. It’ll make people want to save you guys so you can live together forever.” Klyl told us.

I nodded.

Levi replied, “Alright.” We got into the chariot and laced our finger together while smiling for the crowd as the parade started . The chariot was tight, I had to tighten my  hold on Levi’s hand to keep from blowing over. Other than that, it was the coolest  thing I have ever done. My stomach churned, there are way too many people.  I hesitantly lifted up my hand and started to wave. The crowd roared making me jump. Levi looked at me and smiled. His easy smile made me relax and for the rest of the ride I felt actually comfortable. Which surprised me at first but I got used to it.

       After the parade we were ordered to our rooms for the night and breakfast was at seven.  Klyl told us to sleep in Levi’s room where he collapsed onto the bed. I sat on the ground next to his bed with my back against the wall and hugged my knees.

I couldn’t help but just stare at Levi, that boy puzzled me. His head snapped in my direction and shot me a questioning look. He got off the bed and sat next to me.

   “You okay?” He asked looking into my eyes. I nodded without breaking eye contact. I was not letting my emotions get to me today. I gave him a small smile and hugged my knees tighter. He shook his head knowingly at me.

   “I, ummm, you, I..” I was at loss for words.

  “Ummm, what?” he asked confused. I laughed at myself.

  “I’m not good at, ummm, these things..” I gestured to us while nodding.

  “What do you mean? Romance?” Levi asked looking at me.


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