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“Is everything okay?” Serenity asked softly.

“Yeah...” I was always a terrible liar.

I felt like I was gonna throw up even though there was nothing to throw up. I can’t stand the sight of blood and I can’t handle getting nauseous, call me a wimp I don’t care. I felt like I was gonna puke because of the images that were flashing in my mind; I was thinking about what I saw the day my parents died. I saw lot’s of dead, bloody, and injured people, and it makes me queasy and sad to think about it.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Serenity asked concern coating her words.

“I-I don’t think I can without getting sick or fainting...” I replied holding my stomach tighter.

She looked confused so I decided to explain, “I’m just think about the day my parents died. Everyone the lab was bloody and injured or bloody and dead... I can’t stand the sight of blood. I fainted when saw how mauled my parents were.” I squeezed my eyes shut trying to help the queasy-ness but it made it worse. I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned my forehead against my knees.

“I’m sorry.. I don’t know what to say. All my life I’ve been alone. Wandering the streets, sleeping somewhere different every night. I’ve never been.. umm, whats the word.. Gah! I don’t know what it’s called but you’ve shown me it. And for that I thank you, but I hate seeing you in pain. And it scares me to feel all of these emotions,” Serenity explained as tears streamed down her cheeks, “I don’t know what to do.” I glanced at the clock and dreaded the dinner to come. I looked over at Serenity and wrapped my arm around her preparing for the public dinner.

“Let’s go,” I murmured still embarrassed about confessing my love to her and getting rejected.

Dinner was horrible. Turns out a migrane decided he wanted to take part in it. Lucky me.

“C’mon, Levi Let’s go back to my room, and rest. Kaay?” Serenity told me making me nod. She helped me stand up and wrapped an arm around my waist slinging my arm over her shoulder. We walked slowly to her room getting odd looks from people. She helped me into her bed where she laid a hand on my forehead.

“You have a fever,” Serenity told me grabbing a wash cloth and wetting it with cold water. She laid on my forehead to help bring the fever down.


“How do you know this stuff?” I asked softly as she wet more wash cloths to lay on my chest and stomach.


“I live on my own,” she replied helping me get my shirt off.


She laid two wash cloths on my chest and two on my stomach to bring the fever down faster. She sat cross legged by my head.


“And I read books. That’s how I know everything I know today,” she explained.


“That’s really cool,” I replied my voice tight because a sharp pain shot through my head.


She stroked my cheek gently making me feel like she loved me but I wasn’t gonna assume. She was staring in my eyes as I wrenched my eyes shut. Serenity smiled at me and I hoped she knew I was thankful for her.

“This is horrible,” I complained.


She chuckled saying, “I’m sorry.”


“I think you secretly enjoy this,” I replied bitterly.


“Why would I enjoy this? You’re in pain, I can’t enjoy that,” she replied bitterness coating her words.


“You seem like you can’t decide whether you like me or not... I’m sick give me a break!” I exclaimed because, if she was Kellan, she would be used to my random mumbling while I’m sick.


“Fine if you want a break. I’ll give you a break,” Serenity said furiously storming out of the room.


I sighed and stood up slowly. I didn’t bother to put a shirt on. The woozy and dizzy-ness seemed to go away. I knew she probably stole my room for the night so I knocked softly before entering.


“I-I’m sorry, Serenity. I say things I shouldn’t when I’m sick and-ahhhhh,” my sentence was cut off my a wave of pain. I bent over in agony.


If Serenity was heartless she would have watched me cringe but she isn’t so she rushed over to me.


“What hurts?!” Serenity demanded scanning my body.


 “Just my head.” I dismissed it but she seemed to still worry.


“Oh! Well, you better lay down mister.” Serenity helped me lay down and wet a wash cloth to set on my head. She eyed me in concern.


“Feel any better?” she asked me.

  “A little,” I lied, “Serenity? Do you think that you could give me a chance to show you what love is?

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