Wanna make you feel wanted.

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-----Ryans POV----- 

I watched my crush Anahi get abused by her boyfriend. At home of course not at school. I dont stalk her or anything, I'm just her across the street neighbor. He was the hottest guy in the 11th grade... According to the girls. And she was the hottest girl. The whole school thought it was a good idea for them to go out.

No one knew this happens at home instead of her, him and I. They played their relationship off at school. So no one suspected such a thing. I couldn't help her.. all I could do was hope that he would stop, and watch to make sure she didnt pass out and he leave her there to die. I mean if I could I would but I'm not as strong as him..

This happened everyday. When her parents werent home. He'd offer a ride and she HAD to accept without putting up a fight in public or she'd get worse of a beating. Then they would drive home and he would tell her about every mistake she made that day. Every word he said he would give her a blow to the face. I got to see this because I rode the bus and got home before her. He took the longer route home.

I could hear what he said to her about the bruises "If someone see's that, i will beat you 10x as hard as I normally do. So cover that shit up" And everyday she came out of the house with no sign of beatings.  

When I did try and talk to her, she would say "sorry im busy right now, I have to catch my ride. But I'll talk to you later... hopefully." or if she had just gotten beaten and he went home and I asked to talk to her she would say "Right now is not a good time. So just send me a text and we can talk in my freetime" Which didn't make since because she knows that i don't have her phone number. I had known her since the 7th grade when she moved in and never have we had a 3 minute long conversation.. On any subject rather it was at home or school. We never had any classes together accept one.

And she doesnt talk to me then either because our strict teacher wouldn't give us time to..

Even though she barely knew I existed I know alot about her! (her mom and my mom have dinner sometimes together but she is always out with brad when I come over)

I know I have to stop this... for her sake! I'm leaving in 1 week to go for a whole 3 days in another state. And I'm not sure if something is going to happen while I'm gone... what if he hits her to hard or something and she stops breathing and passes out on the ground. No one will see her there and save her in enough time. and it doesnt help that we get out a 2:00 and her parents get home at 7:45 and my folks dont get home till 8:20 and the fact we are the only 2 houses in that area we dont get alot of people on our streets my bus doesnt even come over here! its like a mile walk to my bus stop and not once does it pass my house..

My mind was snapped out of my train of the thought when my mom called me for dinner. It's 9:00 which is the normal time we eat. My moms a nurse and my dad is a Cop. Im an only child. i sat down at the table, tonight were having pasta. it was our normal conversation my dad asked questions about school and my mom asked random things. after dessert and watching about an hour of t.v. then i took a shower it was now 11:02 and i was tired i looked out my window to see Anahi looking at her bruises in the mirror in her room... i shook my head and sat on my bed. Put my hands behind my head and looked at the ceiling.. Man did i feel like a ass for letting him hurt her.. after crying over the choices i made of keeping quiet i fell asleep.

Wanna make you feel wanted. (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now