chapter 2

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                                                             -------- ANAHIS POV----

ugh I hate math class. Not only is it because our teacher gives us, like 7 pages of homework. But because right after this period Its time to go home. Normally this is the best part of the day for other teenagers. but I knew what I had coming the normal ride home in silence and the taking the long route. then coming home he walked me to my lawn and then started yelling at me for mistakes and every mistake makes a blow.. I liked more when he yelled then hit me.

Math class was over. It was OK but I had 5 pages of homework. And I also had Bigger problems. I walked to my locker maker sure I had no sign of brad in the hallway. I didn't wanna embarrass my self around him and his friends because when I do I always get more the hit or kick. I grabbed my purse and tote bag stuck everything i needed in it. being careful not to make it to heavy just in case he decided to  beat me with it. I looked at the watch Brad bought me so I wouldn't be late to his car and have hm sitting there like an idiot.

I walked outside and was about to get in his car when someone grabbed my hand, I turnt around hopping that it was one of my best friends but nope. it was another guy.. he said "Hey" I remember his face from somewhere. Oh yeah he was the one who always wanted to talk to me.I turnt around to look at Brad's face and it wasn't the best facial expression he was pissed! I turnt back to the guy who was still holding my hand and said. "Hey I know you've been trying to talk to me but I realize I haven't yet so just call me I pulled out a pin took his hand and wrote my name and number. I didn't wait for him to say anything I just got in the car and kissed Brad's cheek and whispered in his ear "its okay, hes just a friend." he clenched his fists which I now noticed my hand was in his.

I almost screamed but I had covered my mouth. Thankfully no one was even there, buses were gone and kids that walked home was out of sight so was everyone else it was just us.

He started the engine and we were off.

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