chapter 4

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                                                                       ----- BRADS POV-------

its been a week from what I did to Anahi. I took her virginity which is something she could never get back. A part of me felt like a man then I felt bad.. then I felt like an ass and rapist.. why did i feel that way? A voice in the back of my head said "maybe because you beat her and pretty much raped her.." I sighed I know the consequences I had. I was going to go to jail.. or something.. I feel so bad for leaving her and hitting her and disrespecting her. When she layed on the bed she looked so helpless.

The doorbell wrung. "Oh who could this be" I thought to myself I opened the door to see the guy from school "oh it's you" I said before he punched me I fell to the ground and he said " you know? she's losing a lot of blood and is in a coma because of you! its been a week and I don't even know if she is gonna wake up! I love her and I let you have her. But you didn't take care of her while you could've you hurt her for no reason. Me and her parents are worried sick about her. Oh yeah say goodbye to your family because there pressing charges.." And with that he left with my pride and dignity while Im sitting here with a bloody lip. I got up and walked to my bathroom to clean it up and then went to my room. Was I really going to jail? Was that even possible for a 16 year old boy? I know I could get a good 5 years or something on probation but.. 

An hour passed by of me pacing back & forth my parents have arrived home. about 30 minutes passed again when the doorbell wrung  flashing blue red and white lights were in front of my house. My mom panicked and asked what was going on? I then told her and my dad what happened they know what I did wrong. and with no mercy.. They turnt me in. They quickly opened the door and shoved me outside to deal with the police myself.. My mom had tears in her eyes and my dad was holding her.

I said bye to them and then talked to the police by the time I was done explaining and surrendering. Handcuffs were on and I was being escorted to there squad car. I took one last look at my house and looked into the window, only to see my mom crying even harder then she had been before.  I tried to remember my home because I wasn't sure if I would ever see it again.

I sat there for what seemed like 30 minutes then they said "Sir, can you step out another squad car is here to take you" I nodded and did what they asked. But I was wondering why I was transferring. Then when I was brought to the car, I got in and we were off.

We weren't heading to the police station it was the opposite way.. I must have had a confused look on my face cause the officer looked back at me and said " you have probably noticed this isn't the way to the station. And you're right! Mr.Raess were going to go and visit Ms.Sanchez you know? The one who is in  coma? Well my son Ryan found her and if it wasn't for him she would have died. I think you owe her an apology and him a thank you. Even if you don't want to thank him for saving her. You still should because he is the only reason your not being charged for murder. If she would've died it would have been your fault but since she didn't you have one less charge to worry about!"

I got to the hospital to see 5 people already inside her room. Mrs. Sanchez Mr. Sanchez Ryan her brother and Mrs. Nick the nurse which I'm guessing was Ryan's mom because his dad's name tag had Officer Nick. Her brother wasn't to happy to see me, he came up to me and punched me and said "you have some nerve to come up here after you almost killed my sister. I thought you were cool and were man enough to date her, but your not a man your a coward, a rapist and an ass"

"aye listen I didn't want to come here. Ryan's dad made me come here, and apologize to Anahi and say thanks to Ryan for saving her life." He narrowed his eyes at me and moved out the way his mom, stepped up to me with hurt in her eyes. I said "I'm sorry for hitting your daughter" she slapped me and said "you didn't only beat her you took, her innocence and raped her" I looked at the floor.  Her dad just stayed back.

"Anybody else wanna hit me?" I said acting cocky Ryan said " I already went to your house and taught you your lesson" then the officer led me to her bed. She had bruises on her face I said "sorry" and kissed her cheek, instantly regretting it. Because before I knew it Ryan had punched me. And said "get your fucking lips off of her" I said thank you and left. I didn't want to stay any longer. 

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