chapter 3: anahi

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                                                                -----ANAHI POV------

We made it to my house and Brad automatically said "Get the fuck out! How can you cheat on me? Your ugly, stupid and how the hell did you score him?" I couldn't take it anymore "You know what I'm done with you! I'm done with your shit! You hit me like I'm some fucking Rag doll but I'm not! Your just to stupid to see that!" I didnt get to finish because before I knew it I was laying on the grass. He kicked my stomach multple times then got on top of me and punched me. I layed there it was getting hard to breath.  when he finally decided to be done I said as best as i could " do you think your a man now? putting your hands on me? hurting me? well? guess what? you're not and you know what? I'm not covering this up im gonna go right into that school and tell everyone, you did this to me! and believe me there gonna be shocked, but there gonna know I'm telling the truth. And then I'm gonna press charges and your gonna be locked up! or whatever, but your gonna be away from me!" I could tell he was furious.

He picked me up and unlocked my house with the key he had and carried me into my house. He got to my room and started undressing I asked what was he gonna do and he didnt answer then I got the idea he was gonna rape me..  he knows that im not supposed to have sex till marriage but by the time I finished my thought he hit me and I blacked out..

I woke up in my bed it was 5:45 blood was covering my favorite white bed spread I lifted my neck and then I fell back it hurt to much. My phone was by me I needed help. I looked at my message from the guy at school he said "I saw everything are you okay? why did he take you inside? what did he do to you? im coming over in 20 minutes." he sent it 19 minutes ago, a trail of messages were behind that one with all types of diffrent messages all I replyed was "I need your help" and he replyed 1 minute later "I'm here" I knew Brad left the door unlocked he didnt care if some murderer or rapist came in and did something to me..

The guy (Ryan) came in and saw me there I forgot I only had a bra and panties on he looked and gasped he got the idea. He put his hand gently on my stomach looking at the bruises I flinched as he touched one. He apologized and said "we have to get you to a hospital" I nodded well I tried to. He took his iphone out and called for an ambulance. As we waited he sat at the end of the bed and put his head in his hands. and said "I'm so stupid. I should've helped you the first time he hit you. I saw everything. I can't believe he hit you and disrespected you! I'm so sorry" I told him its ok and he kissed my lips.

I blushed he said "by the way my name is Ryan, I live across the street and I have a crush on you.." he blushed. I think that he thought I was going to forget everything he said so that he wouldn't be laughed at. Before I could say anything the ambulance had busted through the door. I was gently picked up and put on a Gurnee. I held my hand out for Ryan to hold. he held it as gently as he could not trying to hurt me. I don't know what happened after that.. I blacked out.

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