V meets new trouble?

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V walked slowly on the hallow sidewalk. It's about 10 past. Mom is going to be so pissesd. V knew this very well too but he still chooses to walk as slowly as possible. 

  "The slowly I walk the more time I have to live," V whispered to himself as the butterflies in his stomach slowly grew. 

It wasn't his fault. Poor V had to stay behind to receive extra help because he didn't understand today's lesson in math! That's not a good excuse. His lips trembled as he imagined the worst scenarios. He was begging God that something would happen so he can use that as a excuse. He was caught up in his day mares only to be yanked out of them by a sighting of a weird object coated in black. It looked like it was sleeping. A alien? No cat, dog or animal would look that big around here. If that was a animal, V would get the hell out of there before it wakes up. V felt the urge to see what it was. It can also be a mistake. What if its a blood thristy vampire waiting for a fool like him to come into his trap? Thinkis made V shudder. Wait, V is already dead anyways so there's nothing to lose. He stared at the object before he took one brave big step toward it. See? That wasn't so bad. He took a deep breath out and fooj another one. There wasn't a lampost where V was stepping to. He was just walking into a space btween two buildings. V took his last couple steps. 

"Holy, shi-" before V could finish his sentence he fell onto his bottom and used his arms to slide back. 

I don't know whats more painful! The fact that he fell on a rocky floor where billions of rocks might've stabbed him. Or the fact that even though he had rocks cutting his skin he still dragged himself back so the cuts can make even bigger cuts.  V's pupils shrunk as small as the period you'll see at the of this sentence. His upper eyes lids pushed up and his bottom eye lids pushed downwards. 

    "What in hell..," V thought as he looked at what the silhoutte object really was: J-hope, the school hottest badboy, unconious and bleeding out on the floor in the alley. 

  Just a few weeks ago J-hope spat in V's face infront of his crush Luhan! It took a good two months to confess to him and what did luhan do? He laughs in the heart broken boy's face and called him J-hopes personal spit bucket. V was glaring at J-hope. Maybe this is what he deserves. No one is on the streets at this moment so there's no way he can be a suspect to his murder. He looked up to the lamp pole across the street. Of course there's a camera attached to that thing. V put on his hood to his black sweater and started to walk away. Walk, this may be the perfect excuse! V thought and looked back at unconious being, filled with happiness.

  "Thank you God," He whispered to the frosted sky. 

He kneeled down and pulled out his phone. 

   "I'm only doing this because I don't want to get my ass beat at me," V paused and looked at the bullet wound in his stomache. 

 "He's not going go survive anyways," V shrugged and dialed 911. 

             J-hope opened his eyes slowly. Pain ached all over his body and the IV drips made it worse. The memories of what got him here flash through his eyes. Remebering this made him filled with rage!

"Fucking maggots!," J-hope screamed with all his chest and knocked down the items beside him with one swing of his arm. But the after pain shut him up real quick. 

How did he get though? Shouldn't he be in heaven, more accurately hell. A nurse walked in to check his IV drips J-hope glared at her the whole time, but the nurse noticed that he was awake. 

"Hey," J-hope said in a flattened voice just when the nurse was a about to leave. 

"Oh,your awake!" The nurse joyfully said.

The Perfect Badboy (VHOPE, EXO FANFICTION) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now