Let's be more different from now on, kay?

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V looked up at the ceiling of his bedroom while lying on his uncleaned bed. It's been a few since V and J-hope started dating. J-hope just finished rehab and is ready to come back to school. But there is one thing that's been on V's mind for the longest: how can one kiss made all the feelings of hatred go away? It was a pretty good kiss. But it all really comes down to what will he do when he comes back to school. He's probably going to disclaim V. He wouldn't be surprised if he did either. 

   V got off his bed and went downstairs to get something to eat. His mom is probably watching Jerry Springer in the living room. She would probably yell at him for coming down stairs without slippers on his feet, but it's Saturday so she wouldn't care. 

   "Hey Cousin," Jimin said happily 

"Fucking kidding me, "V muttered, "hey Jimin,"  his smile twitched. 

   "Who's this kid I'm hearing about that you like?"  Jimin gave an annoying smile at v.

    "are you going to steal him away from me?," V went to the refrigerator

  "is he my type?" Jimin asked,

  "everyone is your type just as long as it's a boy," V pulled out the bag of chicken nuggets.

    "Is that really what you think of me?" Jimin pretended to feel hurt, "I'm crushed," 

  "Whatever," V closed the refrigerator door, "Is mom going to work today?"

"No, but she always goes out on Saturdays," That's true

 V put the chicken nuggets in the microwave and ran back upstairs before he Jimin could spit out an another sentence. Even though Jimin is perfect, V hated him utterly.  

    "How much money did he owe?" Kris sat down his bed and counted the stack of cash in his hand. 

    "1.5" Kai informed kris and he sat down on his chair that belonged to his PC.

      "He hasn't paid a dime," Xuimin said annoyed,

"Shooting him did nothing," Kai was annoyed too.

The 3 boys sat Kris's room in silence. Diluted in the grim Arora each of them was giving off. Suddenly a light bulb popped up in kris's head.

   "He's gay," kris popped up, 

Kai and xuimin looked at each other,

"So?" kai said what both of them were thinking.

"Instead of hurting J-hope we can hurt-"

"His lover," kai caught on to the idea and finished kris's sentence.

  "But hurting seems stupid and grim," Xuimin commented, "let's just give him a little scare or something," 

Kris and kai shrugged at this idea. All they just want was the money for the reward. 

       J-hope was helping V out with his homework. Like the usual, that was how they spent their Friday evenings. J-hope always gets his homework done before V. V is slower than J-hope academically. V was finishing a math problem, but he stopped and stared at the boy sitting across from him at the table. J-hope looked up.

   "What?"  J-hope asked.

 "Nothing," V continued to stare and made J-hope feel uncomfortable.

"Your eyes should be in that textbook," He scolded.

     "They are." V continued to give J-hope that awkward stare

 "Is there something bothering?" V was relieved that he finally asked.

  "I don't want to spend our Fridays like this," V looked down blushing,

J-hope doesn't  understand the fact that he was blushing. Nor what he was trying to tell him.

 "What do you want to do?" J-hope put down the book he was reading to show that he's listening to V.

    "Uhm.." He toyed with his thumbs, 

      "Where?" J-hope still doesn't know what's wrong with him.

V hated the fact that he was making it hard for him to say what he wanted to say. He should already know this!

   "Some place...nice?" V got more red,

     "Ok" J-hope agreed simply, v suddenly revived his hope for J-hope. I understand why his parents would give him such an odd name.

     "it has to be some place nice, though," V remind j-hope

"I got it I got it, continue working on your homework. I care more about your education than your Friday plans," J-hope picked up his book continue reading. 

V looked at him with a sparkle in his eyes. "Got it," he responded happily.

V waited at the bus stop in front of his house. He put on headphones so he wouldn't hear annoying cousin Jimin telling him to have a good day. V noticed that baekhyun was walking towards this way. 

  "It's been so long," Baekhyun blew into the cold winter air, "I heard you befriended someone bad," baekhyun looked up at the sun that's giving off no sunlight in their direction.

    "I don't know your definition of bad," V continue to look straight

Baekhyun shrugged, "Got any plans for Friday," V smiled pridefully.

"Going to a restaurant with the bad person I befriended" 

"No need to act shady," Baekhyun's hand was telling V to stop, "What time?"

V shrugged, "8:30 to 11:00" 

"2 and a half hour is a long time," 

"Time flies by fast when you're having fun," V smiled at baekhyun when he said this. Baekhyun was surprised to see V smiled so naturally. He almost felt bad about what's going to happen.

  "Your smile is freaking me out," baekhyun said blandly,

   "Ah, sorry," V smiled to himself underneath his scarf. He was extremely excited about Friday. Anymore excited than he'd jump right out of his own his own skin!

 baekhyun finally took his eyes off the pale white winter sky and looked  v in the eyes, "we're friends right?" he asked v as the bus pulled up.

   "Of course," 

"Then take my warning, don't go out this Friday,"Baekhyun whispered  in ear in a threathening tone.  The doors to the bus opened and baekhyun walked in leaving V in a bothered state of mind. 

~Authors note: Sorry guys, my phone got taken away my mom. She thought that I cared about it more than my studies (She's not entirely wrong) so it's going to be super hard for me to update to you guys! I'm also sorry for this short chapter. I'm locked in a bathroom correcting the grammar to my story right now lmao. Next chapter will be longer and more better than this one, I promise! Sorry again!  

The Perfect Badboy (VHOPE, EXO FANFICTION) (REWRITING)Where stories live. Discover now