I'll protect you from the dangers that the world has to offer

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V and j-hope walked the streets after a nice dinner at a nice restaurant. V had nothing to worry about. 

    "You eat like a turkey," J-hope criticized, 

  "You kiss like one," V laughed. 

It was after 10 and the stars in the sky look like glitter on a blue, black and purple sheet. J-hope felt tired so V had to leave the restaurant just when he's enjoying his food! J-hope left a bill on the table and decided to go straight home. J-hope noticed this scenery was off. J-hope motioned V to stop. The atmosphere seemed fake too! 

   "What's the wrong hobi?" V looked at him. 

J-hope looked around. Everything felt weird. He looked back at V. He jumped out of his state of focus. V wasn't there! Where did he go? Everything was spinning. J-hope felt like throwing up. Instead, he fell to the floor and lost touch of his consciousness. 

      J-hope woke up. He was in a dark garage. This garage looked familiar before. His hands were tied together and his mouth was taped shut. A bright yellow light opened. V was out cold on a bright red chair. He was strapped down more than J-hope was! Before hope panicked he took the time to take in the situation. A black and orange pair of jordans came into view. An idea of a person came into hobi's mind. The jordans soon became a leg. The leg soon became a person. J-hope easily took off the tape from his mouth to comment. 

     "Ah, I knew this place belonged to you,"The leader of the kris's gang stood in front of the currently unconscious V.

     "Jimin," J-hope gave jimin an intense smile and jimin smiled right back at him. 

   Jimin stood there with his hands in his pockets. Giving j-hope a smirk, "you owe me," he said straight up. 

    "There's different ways of approaching this type of situation," 

       "I know, I know, just asking you would've been better but," Jimin took out a gun without hesitation shot a whole through v's leg, "this way is better," 

    J-hope panicked as his eyes widen. He looked by the door and saw V's friend baekhyun lighting a cigarette like nothing is happening. This pissed of hope so much. 

     "Bullet 2 will be more fatal," hope hesitated. 

   "Fine," He said. J-hope remembers he has a knife in his pocket from the restaurant. He took it out his pocket. With the fear of the chance, it would fall he accepted jimin's deal.

     "This wasn't the plan!" Kris yelled from the other end of the garage. 

      "You're taking this too far!" Xuimin accompained kris. 

     "Far?" Jimim pointed a gun in their direction, "I wonder how far I can shoot from here," He gave them a bittersweet smile. 

    "W-wait a second!" Xuimin stuttered, "don't be a dumbass! Imagine how much you could in if you kill us! Everything could be exposed!" Xuimin justified himself. 

    "Not everything," Baek joined, "just the part that you got shot during a trade," smart ass. 

J-hope focused on them bickering and got the rope loose. The free boy accidentally dropped the knife and it clattered! Drawing everyone's attention. 

    "You're not playing against the rules," Jimin said and pulled the triggger to V's head. Just in time, J-hope hurtled to jimin and pointed the gun up so he shot the cieling instead!

    Jimin forced the gun down making hope struggle to keep it up. He pointed it to j-hope's head but hope forcefully turned it around. These two struggled to get a full grip on the gun. Hope's life is depending on it! Hope accidentally pulled the trigger without knowing which way the pulled pointed. He closed his eyes expecting the pain to come in anytime soon. Jimin grunted as he coughed out blood on hope. Hobi opened his eyes to a ssurprisee. Kris, xuimin, and sehun were surprised! Baekhyun was nowhere to be seen, though. Jimim fell down drowning in his own blood. Hope paid no attention to dying elder. 

    J-hope untied v and took a look at the wound. Nothing was there! J-hope looked at the cieling. There was no whole there either! That means that jimim was going to kill someone other than v! Probably hobi. Kris sehun and xuimin ran away from the scene. J-hope carried V out of the garage ignoring suffocating jimin. 

     J-hope and V walked out of without a scratch. While woke up after a couple of minutes hope exited the garage. 

    "Can you walk?" hope let v down gently. 

 "Just fine," V replied back, "let's go home and get that nap you want," 

J-hope felt warm inside, "yeah?" He smiled. 

J hope and V crossed the street as no cars were in sight. Well, that's what V thought. 


The Perfect Badboy (VHOPE, EXO FANFICTION) (REWRITING)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя