Imagine Castiel

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You had a long day, a very tiresome day. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and watch New Girl on Netflix. As soon as you got home you changed from your work clothes to a pair of grey sweats and a blue t-shirt that you go at some fair last year. Throwing your hair into a messy bun and wiping off your makeup, you flew onto your comfy bed face first sighing. You were so tired and so out of it, you didn't hear the flutter of wings from the corner of your room.

"Y/N?" Castiel's deep voice asked, startling you a bit. You lifted your head lazily at the sound of your favorite angel's voice, grinning as soon as you saw him. You did have a little, well, huge crush on Castiel.

"Cas!" You crawled over to the other side of the bed and stood up on your knees, still on the bed, so that you were almost his height. He was still taller than you but you didn't mind, you opened your arms wide saying, "I need a hug!"

He looked confused at first, "I do not understand. Why do you need a hug?"

You giggled and explained why you wanted a hug, "I've had a very long, tiresome day. Can I please have a hug from my favorite angel?"

After a moment he nodded slowly and gave you a very small smile, something he doesn't do often. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer to you so that you could bury your head in his shoulder. You could feel his body become tense but soon relax, wrapping his arms hesitantly around your waist and resting his chin on top of your head. He would have had to see people hug in movies.

"Better, Y/N?" He asked, you could feel his chest vibrate as he talked.

Smiling you tightened your grip on the angel, "Much, thank you Castiel." You let your body relax against his, leaning on him a bit. You breathed in his scent, it always calmed you after a long, stressful day. It may sound weird but it was true, you loved the way he smelled. In your mind, you thought he smelled like sugar and spice, as in he smelled sweet but a hint of something spicier. Confusing and weird, yes. But that was just how you thought of it, he always smelled so good. It never failed to calm you.

"Hey, Cas?" You asked, leaning against him a bit more. You hoped you weren't going to cause him to fall since at this point you had pretty much all of your body weight leaning on him.

"Yes, Y/N?"

"Um, please...can we just stay like this for a little longer?" You asked nervously, snuggling into his shoulder more, hoping this moment would never end.

"Of course. I like this, as well." He smiled a bit, tightening his grip on your waist, pulling you closer to him.

"Thank you, Cas."

A/N- So here's a weird fact, I had a dream about this imagine and that's what inspired me to write it! I literally could feel him hugging him, it was the best dream ever. This may sound weird but like I could smell him, like it was strange but he did smell sweet with a hint of spice, if that makes any sense hahah. 

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