Imagine Dean

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If someone was to take a peek inside your brain, all they would see was Dean. Dean this, Dean that.

You had the all time biggest crush on Dean for 3 years.

3 years.

The first time you meet him, you instantly fell. Hard. Like you face planted it. Which was sad because he was completely oblivious to whole crush you had on him. You saw it good and bad that he didn't know, good because what if he didn't feel the same. And bad because what if he did, way deep down in his heart. He has a big heart, whether people wanna believe it or not.

But Sam, he was different. He noticed that you fell hard for Dean by only week one of the crushing. You and Sam became real close, so you talked about Dean to him all the time. Not when Dean was around, obviously. Sam at first didn't necessarily like the way you talked about his older brother all the time at first, he thought it was weird. But after a while he noticed how much you really did love Dean. Sam tried to convince you to tell Dean your feelings but you didn't want to find out he didn't feel the same. You decided to just love him from afar, without him knowing. It was better than your heart being crushed.

You daydreamed often about what would happen if you and Dean got together. Daydreams, sadly, never seemed to become reality.

Until today that is.

It was like another normal day, normal as in researching all day for a recent hunt. Sam looked up from the laptop at you across the table, "Hey Y/N?"

You snapped your head up to look at Sam, raising your eyebrows in response.

"Do you mind to go get something to eat for dinner? I'm getting hungry and Dean's out of pie...we all know what that means." He whispered the last part as if afraid Dean would come charging in. Dean got really on edge when he ran out of pie, especially after a long stressful day. He was like a girl on her period who ran out of anything sweet to eat.

You giggled, shutting your book and grabbing your jacket off the back of the chair. "Sure, I could use a break. Salad for you?"

"Please." He smiled at you before his eyes returned to the screen of his laptop.

"Be back." You turned to walk out of the library, you started to zone out as you walked out of the room. You tended to zone out often. But coming in contact with somebody's chest snapped you out of your little daydream.

"Sorry!" You looked up, knowing it was Dean you gulped and stepped back after noticing how close you two were standing. Moments like these never failed to happen on a regular basis. And you never failed to make a fool of yourself regularly as well.

Stepping back you ran into the doorway, banging your head. Turning red, you hid your head by looking down and trying to move around Dean. But, sadly being the short person you are compared to Dean you were unable to move away until Dean moved.

"Are you okay?" He looked at you with worry and concern, making you turn even more red.

"Yep, yep. All good. Doing great. Gotta go!" The words tumbled out of your mouth quickly, you didn't even know or care if Dean could actually understand you. Slithering around Dean you quickly made your way to the bunker door, opening the door quickly.

You didn't miss hearing the words Sam spoke to Dean before you shut the door completely. "Dude, I can't believe you haven't noticed yet!"

Shut up Sam!

"Notice what?" Dean's perfect voice asked, you paused at the door of the bunker before you closed it.

"She's in love with you, idiot!" Damn you Sam Winchester.

"She what?" Dean's voice seemed to get deeper by Sam saying that.

You didn't want to hear the conversation anymore, slamming the door shut and making your way to the car.

Nothing was ever going to be the same. Dean will crush your heart by saying he doesn't love you like that and then you'll be forced to leave the bunker! Why did have to fall for Dean Winchester? Why?


Pulling up to the bunker, you sighed leaning back in the seat of the car. You honestly didn't want to go inside. You didn't want to face Dean. You didn't want your heart to be crushed tonight. Not ever.

Getting the courage to go inside you got out of the car and headed back inside the bunker with the bag of food in hand.

Opening the door to the bunker you looked around to notice that everything was quiet. To quiet.


"Dean?" You called out cautiously, setting the food on the table. Thoughts were running through your head of what could have happened to them, your heart was pounding in your chest as you glanced around from where you stood. Screaming loudly when you heard a voice come from behind you. Turning around quickly, you nearly grabbed for your gun until you saw it was just Dean. Sighing in relief, you gave him a small nervous smile.

"Hey..." You said, cautiously.

"Sam went out to grab a bite on his own." Dean said, looking down at the bag of food.

"What? Why? He told me to bring him a salad-"

"He told me." Dean interrupted, not meeting your eyes.

"Told you what?" You decided it was best to play dumb.

"Don't play dumb, Y/N. He told me you've loved me for three years. You've had a crush on me for three years and never told me."

You could feel the tears coming on, looking at the ground you took a deep breath. "Listen Dean, I know you don't feel the same and that's fine I guess. I mean it's not fine, but I can deal. We can leave this in the past, please don't kick me out or drop me off in the middle of nowhere so you don't have to ever see me again. I mean if you want to get rid of me at, the least you could do is kill me. Or better, drop me off in New York or something. But if you really want to kill me so bad then I suggest kill me now, I've done at least one thing off my bucket list. So I can die happily now. Kinda-"

"Would you shut up." Dean looked up at me, you noticed he was standing a lot closer.

"Oh god. You're really gonna kill me aren't you? Is that why you sent Sam away? You're gonna strangle me? I guess it makes sense, no blood no foul as my mother would say....yeah she was messed up-"

"Y/N-" Dean began rolling his eyes, but you continued ranting.

"So this is it, huh? This is how I die. Strangled by my one sided lover, happy way to die yes? Seeing the person you love slowly kill you...dream come true! Note the sarcasm! Okay," You closed your eyes before finishing your sentence, "I'm ready to die. Come at me-"

Dean interrupted not by words but with his lips this time, his nice soft lips. The lips you had only dreamed of kissing. The lips you fell asleep at night thinking about hoping to dream about kissing them. You've always imagined what kissing him would be like but it was nothing compared to this. This was great, perfect, amazing, dream come true and not at all being sarcastic this time.

"I love you." He pulled away from the kiss for a moment to say those three perfect words to you.

To you.


Not to the table, not to the food, not to his music but to you.

You've waited years to feel his lips, his touch, to hear those words come from his lips and aimed at you. It was nothing like the dreams, nothing like the imagines, nothing like the books or the movies.

And for once, it was real. You weren't going to wake up kissing your pillow this time. Nope. This was real.

Dean Winchester, the man of your dreams, was kissing you.

Dean Winchester, your prince charming, loved you.

Dean Winchester, your everything, was real.

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