Chapter 3

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Alexandria's POV
I actually have no ideas how funerals are done so I am going to kinda skip the part ,sorry .

It has been three days since I have seen him . I real never seen his face . I told Charles about him she says I am crazy. And maybe I was , but it was a good filling .

Today was my mother funeral. I never went to funeral before because it was emotional . But when it is some who you loved for eighteen years , took care of you ,and been there even if they didn't. You would and should go ,with no force .

I sat in my room and got dressed . Dad said he was not going . He has not done much these couple of day , but go out at night , get on my nerves , cry , sleep , and drink .
Who wouldn't go to their wife of twenty three years funeral.

I was in my bed . When the door bell rung . I got up and checked it. I said " Hello "
The person responded " It is Aunt Suzanne "

Aunt Suzanne and my mom got in a fight when I was five.So I really didn't see her that much . I opened the door and she hugged me and and said " Poor baby every thing is going to be alright."

She pulled my back and I said " Hi auntie I have not seen you in years. "
She smiles and looks at my dad who is on the couch . She walk by him and said " Why are you not dressed?"
He said " I am not going ."

"Get Your ass up and get dressed !"she shouted .

I sat by in the kitchen and waited on Charles to pick me up. Auntie said she was going to convence him to come. Charles picked me up and we went to the ceremony.

I was crying because that dad of mine didn't even come . Charlie put her hand on my thigh and said " Alex this is light and it's a bitch , but she is in a way better place. She wouldn't want to see her daughter like this . Then she wouldn't be happy."

I smile and said " I know but but ."

" Butts come at the end of animals .Not sentences."

I laugh and she keeps on driving . We were at the funeral . Still no sign of auntie and dad . I sign and take a sit. The ceremony was sad . It was my time to talk .I went up the to the coffin and said " Hey mom even though you are not here physically. You are here in sprit . I will try my best to be happy. And I will miss you. Love you.

The ceremony had ended and Charlie dropped my back home . She gave me a hug and said " Maybe we could finish the sleepover tomorrow. We don't even have to watch hunger games."

I smiled and said " Maybe ."
She smiled and went home.

I opened the door to my house and heard auntie and dad talk . They were not in the living room . I checked in the kitchen,and dining room . Then I checked his room .

Auntie and him were in the bed naked . I opened my eyes wider and yelled " You bitch!"
Auntie got off the bed and said " Alex. "
I started crying and said " Don't call me Alex . Only people I love can can call me that .

Her eyes wideden and she said " Don't say that !"

"Suzanne get the fuck out my house. Your sister is dead and you go fuck her husband. And also your niece's mom . "

Suzanne left and dad got off the bed and slapped me and said " You bitch .It is your fault your mother is dead. If you weren't born she would not have to work ."

I slap him back and said " Well you should have never had sex with her . You are a dumb ass. I hate You . Oh and you and Suzanne have a good life together. Bye Robert."

I walk out the room and go to mine .He tried opening the door , but gave up .Suzanne and Charles tried to call me .I wish I could die

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