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Louis pov:

I felt happy that I ran into Harry he was someone that I think I could get along with someone who I could talk to.
I decided to take the day off of work today, hesitantly I picked up my phone and texted Harry.
Me: would you like to hang out or something?
Harry: yea sure what time and what would you like to do?
Me: I was thinking some where to eat or something.
Later he answered
Harry:well I have friends over if you want you can come over so that we all can hang out.
Me: alright sounds good see u then
Harry:alright until then

After Harry sent me the address I got ready and left to his house. While getting to his house I got lost and took some wrong turns here and there but after somewhat 30 minutes I finally arrived to his house.
It was a big white two story house that had a modern look and glass doors and big glass windows. It looked beautiful, and expensive. After knocking on the door it finally opened and there stood a Harry with a big cheeky smile. He signaled me to come in, and so I did.
I heard laughter coming from what looked like a living room, I walked like I was on thin ice careful not to touch a single thing. His house was all white inside with very beautiful and expensive paintings, the floors were white marble with spots of black on them.
Going into the room I say three other people. The first one I saw had blonde hair with green eyes who Harry mention to me as Niall. The second one had brown mixed with black hair and some tattoos here and there who was Zayn.
The third one had brown hair shaped into a Mohawk who was Liam.
I introduced myself next then Harry asked,"Who wants to play a game of footie?". I loved footie ever since I was three I grew up with that sport, so of course I agreed to play and so did everyone else.
I teamed up with Louis 'yay!!', Niall and Zayn teamed up and Liam was the ref. We were at the end of the game and we were tied the score being 3:3. Louis and I came up with a plan to try and distract the goalie which was Zayn, and Louis would try to make a move and score.
As Louis dribbled the ball I distracted Zayn, which what was intended to be done. Louis passed Niall with a tunnel and scored making him and I jump for joy. Then Louis and I hugged each other, we pulled away and looked into each other's eyes. His eyes that are a piercing green, pierced through me. We were lost in a trance, together not caring about the world (it's cliche sorry☹️). I wish we could stay like this to not worry about the problems we have.
After the mini footie game we went inside to go eat, later Zayn, Liam, and Niall all left. It was just him and I waiting in the awkward silence.
Waiting for an answer, something to break the silence.
But there was nothing, nothing heard.
Just the sound of us inhaling and exhaling, and the masterpiece staring into space thinking about God knows what.
So what do u think Harry is thinking about?
Do u want me to do a Harry pov, what would u like to happen in the story I need some inspiration other than my two lovelies, Harry and Louis☺️💕

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