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Awwe look at little Harry and Niall. They are so freaking adorable. Like omg. Now on with the story.
And this chapter is dedicated to curlycat7  thank you for all your support love 😊💕
Harry's pov:
I had just gotten out of work Louis called and asked if I wanted to have dinner with him. I said yes, to the mere fact that I would be spending time with him.

We decided to eat a restaurant not far from my flat. As we were seated to our table Louis sparked up the conversation.
"How has your day gone so far?", Louis asked.
"My day has been going good, tiring but good.", I answered.
"That's good Hazza.", Lou said with a bright smile.
A couple of minutes later the waiter  brought our food to which we gobbled down quite quickly.

It was 6:00 pm, both Louis and I had finished work. We decided to go mini golfing.

We were on the last hole both Louis and I were tied. I was first to go, carefully I aimed to go past the windmill and into the hole. Steadily, I hit it, to my surprise it went right through the windmill and into the hole. Jumping for joy, I turned around to find a Louis in awe of my actions.

I wonder what goes on in that little mind of his

"Go ahead Lou it's your turn", I said calmly.

Slowly Lou took his place on the staring spot. He took a deep breath and swung carefully. As of right on time it went through the windmill and into the hole. Now I was the one in awe and amazement as to how he could've pulled that off. It all payed off when I saw Lou jumping for joy and laughing.


By the time we left the mini gold course it was 9:00 pm. We were bother drained from energy and all Lou and I wanted to do was lay down and watch movies. So that's what we did. We lied on the couch with a popcorn and a blanket watching "The interview". The movie was quite funny, earning often laughs from both Lou and I. Half way during the movie Lou had managed to fall asleep, arms wrapped around my waist, head to my chest. His breathing had slowed. Carefully I stood up and carried him to bed. After lying him down, Lou' managed to say ,"I love you Hazza.". "I love you too darling.", I exclaimed.

After getting ready for bed, I crawled into bed with eyes feeling heavy and full of sleep. I put my arms around louis waist protectively and kissed his temple saying,"Goodnight Lou". Earning a small whisper from Lou saying,"Goodnight.".

okay so it's been a longgggg time since I've updated and here's a filler chapter.
Lou and Hazza seem to be so happy right!!??
but that won't last long because I've managed to think about a twist happening in the coming chapters.

and thank you all for all the support you all have shown me

I can't believe you all are still here.
thank you loves
love you all very much❤️❤️

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