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Just pretend that they are older in the pictures enjoy

Harry pov:
Saturday had finally come and I was ready to see my beautiful prince. I've been waiting since Thursday to see him, well we would text here and there, but that wasn't enough for me. I may seem way too clingy but come on who wouldn't be clingy with him and his blue eyes and caramel colored hair......eyes that light up your day.
For our date I decided to wear a suit, hoping that we went some where formal. It was black with a white button up shirt and a black tie with black shiny shoes.
I tried my best to not look like I tried but I guess I failed miserably, because I could never get the right look. I wore my hair down and my curls were in their places, perfect.
Louis texted me that he would be here at around 7:00pm. I was already ready, consider the fact that I had butterflies in my stomach and was very nervous.
After what seemed like eternity someone knocked on my door. It was Louis, and God was he stunning. Louis also wore a black suit with a white shirt and black tie with black shoes.
Louis escorted me to his black Range Rover, opened the door for me and I got in. He quickly got to the driver side, started the car and off we were.
In the car it was a quiet ride, all there was was silence. After a couple of minutes of driving Louis took my hand and intertwined our fingers not letting go. I blushed and Louis must've saw me because he said," You look cuter when you blush." Only making me blush even more.
After 15 minutes of driving we finally arrived at the restaurant, Louis opened the door for me and led us to the waiter. Louis told the waiter about his reservations and quickly escorted us to a table. It was beautiful it had a centerpiece that consisted of flowers and lit candles. As well as wine glasses that were sure to be filled with wine.
After getting settled our waiter for the night asked if we wanted wine, Louis and I said of course. It was a wine that was imported from Italy, and by the looks of it was expensive too.
After eating and talking about how our day went, I paid for the bill, both Louis and I left the restaurant.
In the car Louis and I made smaller talk, we had arrived at my house. I opened the door for Louis, he got in then I dragged myself inside and into the kitchen. Louis took off into another area of he house. I started to look for Louis but had not luck, so I used the intercom to call Louis. He replied saying,"Ok I'll be there right away."
As Louis got to the bottom of the stair I held a bottle of wine and two glass cups (whatever u want to call them).
Louis and I sat in the living room drinking our wine watching tv.
Louis had his head resting on my chest tracing small circles on it, I played with his hair which he seemed to enjoy very much. Louis looked up at me as I looked down at him. We were lost in each other's eyes, his were a blue that would seem like a beautiful clear sky I was looking into.
I slowly hesitantly leaned in, Louis met me half way there. When we kissed fireworks were ignited inside me, my stomach doing flips in the air. The kiss got heated quickly, Louis moved his right leg over me which resulted in him straddling me. I put my hands in his sides letting my hands roam his body, God he was so beautiful, nothing or no one could compare to him. Louis had his hands tangled in my hair playing with it. I tried to not let out the moan that was dying to come out, but failed miserably.
I lay Louis on his back so that I would be hovering over him, he wrapped his legs around me, I grinding our hips together.
I undid the buttons on Louis' shirt and took it off wasting no time. I was about to unbuckle Louis pants when he stopped,"Wait wait wait..... I don't want to, not for now at least,". I sat up with my hair messed up and shirt as well. "I-I'm sorry Louis I got out of hand,". "It's alright. M-maybe next time?" "Yea next time," was all I managed to say.
As I walked to the kitchen to put the wine away and the glasses in the sink Louis asked," Can I stay here with you tonight, please?". "Of course you can, love". Louis smiled at me causing me to smile knowing that he was happy. Louis and I got upstairs to my bedroom, I handed Louis a pair of joggers with a t-shirt form Adidas. We both got into bed Louis facing he opposite from me. Louis then turned around to face me, he smiled and so did I. I slid me hand around him, Louis started moving so that we would be in a spooning position, me being the big spoon and him the little.
After a couple of minutes I beard soft snores coming from Louis. My eyelids became heavy to hold, and with that I feel asleep with the love of my life in me arms.  
Ok I finally finished the chapter here u go
Love u guys

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