Chapter 11

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a/n~ I needed to edit this. It has lots of changes so please read this chapter. I deleted the last 2 chapters, and this one has changed. Please read!


"Gabby, it's going to be okay." I say, holding her. We were sitting at the park, watching kids run around.

"No it's not. I know he doesn't want kids." She sobs into my shoulder.

"But he loves you. He will love you no matter the choice you make." I say, holding her close.

"I have to tell him, even though he will be infuriated." She says, her Caribbean green eyes full of tears.

"It'll be okay. You can tell him tomorrow night at the dinner Ryan wants us to go to. It's going to be fine." I say.

"No it won't." She says, leaning herself onto me. I pray he won't he get mad as I hold my shaking best friend in my arms.



"Help me out man." I say, nudging Jackson. He rolls his eyes and looks through the glass boxes at the jewelry store.

"Every kiss begins with Kay my ass. I say 'Kay' to Gabby, and I get slapped." Jackson mumbles.

"Shut up. Help me." I say.

"What's her birthstone again?" He asks.

"Diamond." I reply.

"Okay, what about that one?" Jackson asks, pointing to a large, square ring with swirly diamonds coming off.

"Looks like a diamond took a shit." I say.

"Okay. What about this one?" He says, pointing to another diamond one, with a butterfly incrusted diamond.

"No." I say.

"Fine." He says, looking some more.

"I like that one." I say, pointing to a normal sized diamond ring with two emeralds and two sapphires.

"Wow." Jackson mumbles, staring at it.

"That's one of our finest rings. Real jewels. Who's the special lady?" The woman behind the desk asks.

"My girlfriend." I say. "I'm going to propose to her tomorrow night." I explain.

"Ah, she's a lucky girl." She says, smiling. Her eyes travel up my body, and I chuckle.

"Yeah, but I'm the lucky one." I say, smiling.

"Alrighty, what exactly are you looking for?" She asks me, staring at my muscular torso.

"That one." I say, pointing at the one I was admiring.

"Ah, yes. Well on a normal day, it would be 600, but all this week we've been having a half off sale." She explains, taking it out of the glass box.

"Three hundred? I don't have that much." I say, sighing.

"You can do it in payments each paycheck." She tells me.

"Okay. How much a pay check?" I ask.

"How much can you pay up front?" She asks, smiling.

"A hundred." I say.

"Then you will need to pay twenty bucks each paycheck." She says.

"Alright. I'll take it." I say.


"Gabs?" Jackson says, dipping his head around the corner of the bedroom.

"Hm?" She mumbles, looking up.

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