Chapter 15

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"Gabby it's going to be fine." I said, holding my best friends hand.

"Are you sure?" She asked, nearly shaking her self off the table.

"Of course I'm sure." I said right as the doctor walked in.

"Hello Mrs. Simmers, I'm your Obstetrician, Ms. Kylene Rynalds." The woman said to her, and I smiled.

"Hello Ms. Rynalds, I'm Gabriella, not Mrs. Simmers, we aren't married." Gabby said, laughing a bit. "But I go by Gabby." She added.

"Oh, well I aploigize more the misunderstanding. Hello, Gabby. How are we this afternoon?" She asks, sitting down on her little swivel chair.

"We're great. We just came in for a checkup." Gabby said, holding my hand tightly.

"And this is?" Ms. Reynalds asks, looking at me, smiling.

"My best friend Crystal."

"Oh how nice of you to join us this afternoon Crystal." She said, sitting down her clipboard.

"Thank you. I'm just here with Gabby to make sure everything is going along fine. Her boyfriend and my fiancé are having a guys day today." I said, smiling.

"Well what we are going to do today is do a light checkup, make sure the baby is doing healthy." She explains, and Gabby and I nod. "So Gabby if you could lean back and put your legs up on the stands." She intrsucts and Gabby does as she's told.

"This is going to be cold." She warns, and she squirts a greenish blue goo onto Gabbys stomach, and then take a small object attached to a cord, and rubs it across Gabbys stomach. Gabby cringes at the cold at first, but after a while her face goes back to normal.

"Alright, now if you'll take a look at this screen, you can see the beginning of the babies growth." She says, pointing to a screen where you can make out a fuzzy outline of a baby.

"I'd say you're about three to four months along, as you probably already know. Your stomach will get bigger as you go, even though it isn't very noticeable now. But your baby seems to be perfectly healthy. Just remember to drink lots of water, and eat as healthy as you can." The doctor reminds her.

"Now, I suppose I'll let you get dressed Gabby. Any questions before I leave?"

"No, I don't think so." Gabby responds.

"Alrighty. Well help yourself out, and I'll see you in a few months alrighty?" Ms. Reynalds asks.

"Of course, thank you." Gabby says, and with that, the doctor shuts the door behind her.

"Well, it seems that you're doing good." I said, handing her clothes to her.

"I guess so."

"What's wrong?" I ask, holding her hand.


"Bullshit. Tell me." I said, urging to know more.

"I'm just scared." She replies, and a single tear falls down her cheek.

"It's going to be okay, but you need to be strong, for me, Jackson, Ryan, yourself, and most importantly, your baby."


"Baby we're back!" I hollered, walking into the apartment to find Jackson sprawled across the couch and Ryan staring intently at the wall.

"What are you doing?" I ask Ryan.

"I just thought of something." He says, looking up at me.

"Hm?" I mumble.

"What if you go to be alive and wake up dead?" He asks, and I chuckle.

"You can't go to bed alive and wake up dead." I say.

"Sure you can."

"No, you can't. The dead don't wake up." I said, trying to reason with him.

"Unless you a zombie!" He hollers, and I just roll my eyes, laugh a bit, and walk away. I swear, his reasoning for some things are completely weird and totally random, but by God, I love him.


"Baby?" I hear a deep, husky voice whisper in my ear. I roll over and bury my face into his warm chest.

"Mhm?" I mumble.

"Wake up."




"Yes. Or else I'll tickle you."

"Yeah right." I mumble, wrapping my arms around his toned and muscular waist.

"I will, in 3...2..."

"OKAY I'M UP!" I screamed, sitting up.

"Whoa. Moody." He murmered, looking away.

"Shut up." I grumbled.

"Make me." He said, and it was on. I leaned over, grabbed his face in my hands, and kissed him. The kiss easily grew deeper, and I slammed his arms down above his head. I lifted my leg and I sat on his lap. I let the kiss grow deeper and more passionate, grinding myself into him. I heard him groan with anxiety, and I smiled against the kiss.

"Don't tease me." He groaned, trying to move his pinned arms.

"I can do what I please." I said, chuckling.

"Can you now? And why's that" He asked.

"Because you love me." I whispered.

"More than you will ever know." He replied, crashing our lips together once more.

A/N~ Okay, listen up readers! This book doesn't have many reads, but I'm grateful for all of you! I'd appreciate it if you shared this book with your friends. There's only going to be about 5-10 more chapters left. So keep reading! Comment any thoughts, or questions. I will read every single one. I hope you guys are enjoying this book and I hope you will continue to read it!


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