Chapter 29

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So, we've been back from our honey moon for roughly a month, and I have to say, life is really looking up for us. It's tremendous. I have now completed 2 years at Culinary School, while putting myself through an online college. I even got my Associates degree, and I plan on going through another 2 years to complete my Bachelors. Ryan is finished with his Associates degree, but he has decided to stop there. Gabby is even starting school next fall. Which is in about 3 months. Jackson has furthered his career. He isn't working at the Movie Theatre anymore. He's now working at a furniture store. He's working on becoming one of the managers. I'm laying on the couch, watching a movie with Ryan, Gabby, and Jackson. Gabby has yet to have her little girl, put we know it's coming soon. She's actually 2 weeks late right now.

I heard a groan, and I looked over in the direction of the noise. Gabby was holding her big, 9 month belly, and her face was in pain.

"Gabs are you okay?" I asked.

"I- I- I- I think the baby-"

"The baby's coming!" Jackson screeched.

"I'll get the bag." Ryan said, grabbing the pre-packed suitcase ready for the hospital. Thankfully, we were all in presentable clothes. Me, in a pair of skinny jeans and a BVB shirt. Gabby in leggings and a shirt from PINK. Ryan was in his normal white t-shirt and jeans. And Jackson in his shorts and shirt.

"Come on." I said, helping Gabby up. We waddled her down the stairs, helping her along as she tripped multiple times. Ryan waved down a cab, and as we got in, Jackson started freaking out more.

"Man, calm down." Ryan said, putting a hand on Jackson's shoulder. He nods, breathing heavy.

"Hospital please, right away." I said, handing the driver a twenty. "It's okay." I said, half holding Gabby. "Deep breaths." I whispered, she nodded and slowly started to stretch out her breaths. She had calmed down, moaning and groaning occasionally. I had to admit, she was taking this pretty well.

As the driver pulled to a stop, I helped Gabby out of the car, and helped her walk into the hospital.

"Excuse me, my best friend is going into labor." I said politely.

"Oh boy, room 17. Go down the hallway and take a left." The woman instructed. I nodded.

"Ryan, babe. Start on the paper work. Jackson, come here, bring the bag." I ordered as I helped her to room 17 which we found soon enough thankfully.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kinch, I will be helping you today." He said, and I nodded. "Change into this." I helped Gabby slip into the strange, un comfortable looking robe, and laid her back down on the table. I rushed outside, pulling Ryan and Jackson into the room.

"You both better grow a pair of balls right here, right now. Gabby is going to be giving birth, and you both are going to be present for this." I instructed, staring at both of the boys. They nodded in agreement. "Now Gabs, I'm here. Squeeze my hand when you need to. Jackson, call her parents and inform them so they can get here right away. Well as fast as a plane can take them. Ryan, call my dad. I'm getting the doctor." I pressed the little button and a doctor came rushing in, informing Gabby to lay still and prop her back up.

"Alright, Ms-" He pauses.

"Rivera." Gabby mutters.

"Ms. Rivera, we are going to be going through this. We are doing this the allnatural way, I'm going to need you to push. We are going to deliver this baby tonight." He instructs. I look over at Gabby and I nod. She nods back, holding my hand. I see her face scrunch in pain, and she lets out a yelp as she pushes. "That's good. Very good. More." The doctor says, and Gabby pushes again. Her pain twists, and she screams, clenching onto my hand for dear life.

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