Part Six

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He lay on the ground outside after school, taking the beatings from the popular kids at school, surrounded by his torn up comic book he was rereading because it was his favorite one. Blood dripped from his mouth and his right eye felt swollen and his hair was a mess. Then, he felt some spit land on his chin and heard laughter above of him.

"Ow!" One of the guys cried out. Mitch felt a little bit shocked and watched as Scott started beating up the bullies he once called his friends one by one.

"And stay away!" He yelled as they ran away.

Mitch sat up, wiping the saliva off of his jawline, and felt the blood drip off of his chin and tried wiping it away, but the blood had dried up and stained his chin.

"Hey, pretty boy..." Mitch looked up to see Scott. Scott's eye was bruised, scratch marks besides his ear and on his jaw, his blonde hair a mess and not in the perfect places that Mitch loved about his hair.

"You okay?" He asked while helping Mitch up.

Mitch smiled at him once he stood on his own two feet.

"I am now."

Scott pulled Mitch in for a tight hug and held him close, shocking Mitch, but he wrapped his arms around Scott anyways.

"Good." Scott whispered.

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