Part Eleven

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"Daddy? Poppa?" They heard a small voice from the door. "What is it, sweetheart?" Scott asked when set his book down and walked to his child. "I- I had a nightmare... C-can I sleep with y-you?" Charlie had tear stained cheeks and sniffled. Scott looked at Mitch and carried their son to their bed and they both cuddled with him.

The next night, Charlie couldn't fall asleep, so Scott and Mitch decided to act out Charlie's favorite comic book that night (which was made by Scott and Mitch for Charlie).

"And then, once the prince and princess got married, they lived happily ever after with two children and a royal cat. The end," Scott ended the story, holding Wyatt as if he was royalty.

Charlie giggled and yawned, rubbing his eyes.

Mitch smiled at his son and pulled the covers over him, kissing Charlie's forehead as he slowly fell asleep. Scott did the same and they left the room quietly while Wyatt cuddled Charlie and slept peacefully.

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