My Name's Aleia

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The girl stared, scared and confused, at Scott as he stuttered, trying to come up with an answer for her.
" Your house?" He asked.
" YES MY HOUSE!" She yelled back in his face, tears started to well in her eyes. "Where am I?" She said quietly, sniffling.
"Uhhh." Scott replied.
"Scott?! Scott!" Stiles called, appearing from behind a cluster of trees.
"Stiles thank god you're here." Scott said, relieved. The girl just stared at the two of them, tears stained her face as she blinked them from here eyes.
"Hey, are you okay?" Stiles asked, crouching down to her height. He put his arm on her shoulder, in an attempt to comfort her, but she shrugged him off, aggressively.
"Uh...NO!" She said, panicking. "Get off me! Who are you? Where am I? WHERE THE HELL IS MY HOUSE?!" She yelled at the two boys.
"Wow okay well first of all my name is Stiles,and this is Scott." Stiles said, pointing to himself and then to his best friend standing next to him.
"Second of all, your house?" Stiles repeated Scotts already asked question.
"Yes my house! Why do you keep asking?!!" She said to Stiles, frustrated.
Stiles looked at her, confused and then considered his earlier 'crazy' theory. He narrowed his eyes at the girl.
"What's your name?" He asked her. She calmed down, sniffled and looked at him.
"My name is Aleia." She said.
"And your last name?" Stiles prompted her. Aleia paused before answering.
"Hale. My name is Aleia Hale." She said. Scott released a big breath and Stiles looked over his shoulder at him, with a look that said 'I told you so' and 'how!". Stiles turned back to Aleia.
"Hale.. Uh ha okay." Stiles said, concerned. How were they going to explain to her that her family died in the same fire that destroyed the house she is looking for.
"You know what? Why don't you come back to the Sheriffs station, my dad is the Sheriff, don't worry. Then we will tell you everything I promise.


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