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The four friends stared at the folder.
"How is she here then?" Malia asked.
"Well we haven't actually asked her anything yet. If we know where she woke up, maybe we can figure some,thing out?" Stiles suggested.
"Good idea." Commented Liam.
Lydia walked through the doors of the station followed by a tired looking Isaac.
"What are we doing here?" Isaac asked, sounding annoyed.
"Obviously it's important Isaac." Lydia replied with an eye roll. Stiles filled the two in on their current situation.
"So what's this girls name again?" Isaac asked. Aleia burst out of the office door.
"What the heck is taking you so," she stopped, staring at Isaac. "long," she finished very quietly. "Isaac?" She asked, wide eyed and staring at the boy. Isaac narrowed his eyes at the girl.
"Aleia?" He replied, equally as shocked as she was.
"You know her?" Liam asked.
"Uh...yeah I do." Isaac replied, not taking his eyes off of her.
"We went to middle school together. But you don't look like a middle schooler anymore Isaac." She said confused.
"Well yeah of course I don't, but you haven't changed a bit since I saw you last Ali." He said, using an old nickname.
"You went to middle school together?" Scott asked Isaac who nodded his head.
"Okay well I think we all have a couple of questions to ask you Aleia." Stiles said to the group, pulling up some chairs from various desks in the station. They all sat in a circle, looking at Aleia.
"Okay, first of all. How old are you Aleia?" Stiles asked. She thought about it before answering.
"I'm... I'm fourteen." She said, unsure. Isaac looked extremely confused at her answer.
"How can you be fourteen if we went to middle school together and I am seventeen now?" Asked Isaac
"Seventeen? Huh?" Replied Aleia. The rest of the group were all confused as well.
"Aleia, how did you get into the woods this afternoon?" Stiles asked, changing the unanswerable subject. Aleia stuttered.
"W..well I woke up on some huge tree trunk surrounded by other bodies, all of them were burned and I freaked out and ran. I didn't even look where I was going until I saw an old carving on a tree that my sister Cora and I did when we were little girls, then I knew I was near my house. So I went looking for it, my house, and when I got there, all I saw was a pile of rubble. Why?" She said, tears welling in her eyes.
"A giant tree stump?" Lydia repeated, "what did it look like exactly?"
"Ah.. To be honest I just got up and ran, I didn't even check if those people were alright. They all looked dead and definitely burnt, and they all had their hands resting on the tree stump." She said, wracking her brain for more of the memory of the earlier afternoon.
"Parrish." Lydia muttered under her breath. Stiles looked up from his entangled hands and jumped up.
"Parrish!" He called. The Deputy appeared from around the corner.
"Yep?" He replied, eyebrows raised at the group.
"Have you ever seen this girl?" Stiles asked, stepping to the side to reveal Aleia. Parrish squinted his eyes at the girl.
"I... I don't know." He replied. Aleia stood up slowly.
"You," she said pointing her finger at Parrish.


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