She's What?

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Stiles and Scott eventually convinced Aleia to get into Stiles' jeep so that they could get to the Sheriffs station as quick as possible. During the trip, she sat in the back seat looking out of the window at the town around her. Stiles looked at her in his rear view mirror, and she looked traumatised. But he knew he could understand that, waking up and everything being different. He remembered back to the time where he was being possessed by the nogitsune and shivered. Scott glanced at him from the passenger seat but didn't say anything.  Every now and then Aleia would try and look out of the window at something they had passed, it all looked really familiar to her, but different at the same time.

  When the arrived at the Sheriffs station, Stiles parked the jeep in a parking space Aleia was pretty sure was reserved for actual police officers, not the Sheriffs son. She rolled her eyes and followed the boys into the Station. A big sign stood atop of the building, it read; BEACON HILLS SHERIFFS STATION. Aleia stopped and stared at the sign.
"Wait... I'm still in Beacon Hills?" She asked Scott.
"Yeah of course?!" Replied Scott.
"I just... This just doesn't look like Beacon Hills!" She said slowly turning in a circle and looking at the town around her gesturing to the sight. Scott and Stiles looked at each other confused.
Stiles led Aleia into his dad's office and sat her down in a chair.
"Okay I need you to stay here while Scott and I go and get something." He said to her, looking down on her and if she were a child. 
"How could I leave when you are standing at the door?" She replied. She nodded her head towards Scott's shadow behind the glass of the Sheriffs office door.
"Just.. Stay." Stiles said. Aleia rolled her eyes at him. Stiles walked out of the door and gently closed it behind him.
"Scott, what are we going to do?" Stiles asked. Scott shook his head.
"I don't know. She really doesn't remember?" Scott asked.
"No she doesn't. Maybe she wasn't in the fire?" Stiles suggested.
" Maybe, can we check? Maybe your dad has an old file or something?" Scott asked. Stiles hesitated and then replied.
"Yeah I'll ask Parrish" He said before walking off in the direction of the Deputy's desk.
"Hey Parrish." Stiles said as he approached the Deputy's desk.
"Hey Stiles, how are you?" He replied.
"Yeah I'm fine, look I need access to a file." Stiles said "Please." He added with a smile.
"Stiles!" He said.
"Pleeeease, it's really really important" Stiles pleaded with Parrish.
"Fine. What do you need." He said quietly. Stiles let out a breath of relief.
"The file from the Hale fire, do you still keep it here?" Stiles asked. Parrish looked around the empty office and sighed.
"Yes we do. Follow me." He said, getting up from his desk. Stiles turned to Scott and gave him a  thumbs up which Scott returned with a smile.  Stiles followed Parrish into a room full of file cabinets and drawers. Parrish started searching in a drawer with a letter H in the corner. He opened the drawer and flicked through a few files before finally saying,
"Found it! The Hale family right?" He asked, holding the folder out to Stiles.
"Yeah that's it." Stiles said, walking towards Parrish. He took the folder out of the Deputy's hands and opened the page. On the inside of the folder there was a list of the family members that were killed. His eyes skimmed the page looking for any familiar name. Tahlia Hale, Derek's mom but no others that he knew. His eyes skipped to the bottom of the list where a name was hand written. Aleia Hale. Stiles looked at the folder puzzled.
"Found what you are looking for?" Asked Parrish. Stiles looked up from the folder.
"Ah kind of." He replied.
Stiles took the folder and walked back to his dad's office to find not only Scott, but Malia and Liam as well.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Stiles asked Malia and Liam.
"Scott called us, said it was an emergency." Liam answered. Stiles looked at Malia who avoided his eyes. It had been about a week since they had officially 'broke up' but it was long before that, that he knew she didn't really want to be with him. Scott broke his train of thought,
"Did you get the file?" He asked, looking at the folder in Stiles' hands.
"Uh yeah I did," he paused opening the folder to show them the first page. "But this is a lot more complicated than we expected." Stiles finished, pointing to Aleia's name at the bottom of the list.
"This girl died." Stiles spoke again.

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