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Aleia woke up the next morning to see Isaac, asleep in a chair, with his head on the side of her hospital bed. His mouth was gaped open, and his long eyelashes cast shadows against his prominent check bones. She thought back to the Isaac she remembered, small and shy, the one who always sat in the back of the class, but was always willing to have a conversation with her. He was so fragile back then, like even a single bad word towards him would shatter him in to a thousand pieces. Aleia saw as he slept how peaceful he looked, without the barricade of sarcastic defences and years of pain and sorrow. He slowly opened his eyes and caught her staring. Aleia gasped, embarrassed, and turned away as she heard Isaac's tired laugh.
"You got a good look?" He asked, his voice croaky.
"Um yeah I guess." She replied, laughing. Isaac chuckled at her. Suddenly she heard a sound, clear in her ears, like a drum beating at the pace of a heart. She heard the tapping of a pen down the hall,and high heels tapping on the tiles of the hospital outside her door
"Aleia." Isaac snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned to look at him just as Melissa McCall walked through her door.
"Ah she's awake! How are you feeling Aleia?" She asked.
"Fine I guess." Replied Aleia. Melissa checked the wound on her head and came away looking confused.
"Melissa what's wrong?" Asked Isaac.
"Isaac can I speak to you outside?" She replied, pulling the boy out of the room.


"She healed." Melissa said.
"What? Healed? But she said she wasn't a werewolf!" Isaac whispered.
"People lie Isaac." Melissa whispered back. Isaac nodded. The pair walked back into Aleia's room.
"Aleia, good news, your wound is all healed, and you should be able to go home this afternoon." Melissa said.
"Any bad news?" Aleia questioned.
"Well, that's the tricky part. The bad news is that you healed so fast, your wound was so deep that it could have killed you, and it should have taken weeks for it to properly heal. Aleia is there something you want to tell us about how you healed so fast?" Asked Melissa. Aleia looked at Isaac, who raised his eyebrows and crossed his arms.
"I think you know how." Aleia mumbled. Melissa nodded understandingly. "Please don't tell anybody." Aleia said, looking up from her intertwined fingers.
"We have to Ali, Scott needs to know if he were to help you." Said Isaac.
"No you can't!" Aleia said, her eyes widening in fear. "You can't tell anybody! The hunters, they will kill me!" She finished, panicking. Isaac looked at Melissa with a 'what should we do' expression across his face.
"Please Isaac." Aleia pleaded. Isaac nodded.
"Okay. It's not my secret to tell, but Scott will find out eventually, whether you tell him or not." Isaac said.


That afternoon, Aleia was released from hospital and was driven home by Isaac back to Scotts house where the friends all sat around the McCall dining table to eat Chinese. Stiles and Lydia sat with Kira and discussed their fortunes from the cookies, Malia and Scott talked about how fast they could run and Liam joined in Isaac and Aleia's conversation about how Liam was technically younger than her.
"No, you see," said Aleia, laughing at Liam's frustration, "I'm actually nearly seventeen." She explained, Isaac looked on, trying to hide the smile on his face.
"BUT YOU LOOK LIKE YOU ARE ONLY FOURTEEN." he said, rolling is eyes. Isaac laughed, failing to keep it in any longer.
"That's because, please correct me if I'm wrong," she said to Isaac, "I supposedly 'died' when I was fourteen, and then I was, almost frozen in time I guess, when I came back from the dead. So I'm Isaac's age, I was just... well I was just dead." She finished.
"So I am still the youngest?" Liam asked.
"Yes." Aleia replied. Liam rolled his eyes once more.
She fits in so well, thought Isaac. But then again, she always had. He remembered everything about Aleia, her favourite colour, the dress she always wore to school, how she used to shake her hair out of its elastic at the end of every school day and let it flow in golden waves down her back as she walked home, skipping the whole way as she hummed to herself. She hadn't changed since the last day he ever saw her, a bright smile, a bubbly laugh, and she was always able to fit in. Not matter who she was facing, everyone loved Aleia, including Isaac. And then she was gone. No one for Isaac to talk to, no one to laugh with, no one that cared, no one. There wasn't a day that Isaac didn't think of her. For two years, he wished every day that she would skip back into the school and run back to go and talk to him once more, but she never did. So eventually, he gave up.

"Earth to Isaac?" Said Aleia, clapping to try and wake him out of his flashback.
"Oh, yeah?" He said. She laughed.
"Stiles asked if you wanted to play a game?" She said.
"Did he? Sorry, um yeah sounds fun, let's go." He said standing up to follow the group down the hallway to Scott's living room. He sat down, followed by Aleia, who accidentally grazed his arm as she sat down next to him.
"Whoops sorry!" She laughed as Isaac jumped.

The friends played a few games of Uno which turned into a full blown tournament, with Lydia in the lead.
"I call bullcrap!!!" Called Stiles, throwing down his cards. "This is the fourth game in a row that she has won!!!! I swear she is cheating." He said. The whole group laughed until they nearly cried after countless Uno games and tantrums from Stiles. It was nearly midnight, and there were Chinese boxes scattered throughout the living room and the group, who had decided to just crash at Scott's house lay in various places throughout the living room. Scott and Kira cuddled up on one of the sofas  and Liam and Malia sat cross legged facing each other on the floor, Stiles and Lydia lay on their backs and played their phones and Isaac and Aleia both sat on beanbags chatting about what high school was like. There were blankets and pillows spread everywhere throughout the room, and they all cuddled up to them as the room fell silent and the group eventually fell asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2019 ⏰

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