Next of Kin?

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Isaac heard Lydia's voice well before the others, clear and loud amongst the chatter in the Sherifs station. He ran out, followed by Stiles, to Lydia's car, to find Aleia with her hands cradling her head.
"Lydia what happened?" Stiles asked, worried.
"I don't know!! She asked me what year it was and then freaked out!"
Isaac knelt down next to Aleia. She looked up at him with scared eyes.
"How is it 2016? I... I could have sworn that it was 2011, but 2016 makes so much more sense, that's why you are like 17 now and stuff, but why aren't I?" She said, furrowing her eyebrows together in confusion. Isaac didn't know how to reply, so he just wrapped Aleia in his arms and tried to calm her down. He placed his hand on the back of her head, and it came away with blood, lots of blood.
"Woah Aleia, what happened to your head?" He asked, pulling away from the girl, who looked quite faint.
"Dude, we have to take her to the hospital." Scott said, looking at Isaacs hand.
"I'll drive." Stiles offered. The group all crawled back into Stiles' Jeep, with Isaac cradling Aleia in the back seat.
"Try and keep pressure on the back of her head," said Lydia, "it will stop the bleeding." She added. Isaac nodded.

By the time they reached the hospital, Isaac had nearly stopped the blood coming from Aleia, but some still stained the front of his white t-shirt. Stiles helped Aleia out of the car, and tried to help her walk until Isaac picked her up and carried her in. They walked through the hospital doors and were greeted by Melissa, who ushered them all into an empty room. Isaac gently put Aleia down on the bed and stood back, letting Melissa work. Melissa put her hand behind Aleia's head. Aleia winced at the obvious pain, and Scott thought he saw a flicker of bright yellow flash in her eyes. He turned to Stiles, who raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything.
"Okay I have no idea what caused it, but it's not nearly as bad as when you first bought her in, now she won't need anymore then a few stitches, it's almost like she is," said explained Melissa.
"Healing." Scott said, cutting off his mother. The pair walked back into the room where Malia was helping clean the blood of Aleia's hands, who sat in a hospital robe in the bed talking to Malia as she washed.
"We are going to have to keep her here tonight, just to monitor her wound. She lost a lot of blood, and is recovering from a minor concussion, but she is going to be okay." Said Melissa, informing the group. Aleia nodded.
"There is just one problem. To be able to legally keep her here, she needs consent from a parent or legal guardian. And Aleia, the paperwork we have from you isn't exactly valid anymore." Melissa explained.
"What are you talking about?" Aleia asked. Melissa looked to the group for help to try and explain it.
"Well, who is your next of kin?" She tried.
"Um, my parents." Aleia replied. Stiles stepped in and took a deep breath.
"Aleia, five years ago, in 2011, there was an awful fire started by your brothers girlfriend, Kate? And your house was burned down. Aleia your family died in that fire. And apparently, so did you. So something happened and now you don't remember right? I promise we are going to help you." He tried to explain as nice as he could. The room was silent. Aleia showed no emotions in her pale face. A tear rolled onto her cheek, but her face didn't change. She just sat there, silent and in complete and utter shock and disbelief, with tears rolling onto her cheeks. The group left the room, all except Isaac.
"I had no idea." She whispered, her voice croaky. "It makes so much more sense." She added, her face still expressionless. Isaac sat down on the bed beside her and tugged at a loose thread on the sheet. He looked up at her, she looked sad now, as if she were remembering them all.
"I... I just can't believe they are all gone." She said softly.
"They aren't all gone." Isaac said, making Aleia look at him.
"Really?" She asked.
"I'm serious. Derek is the one that turned me into a werewolf." He said, making Aleia look, well a little less sad.
"Who else?" She asked.
"Cora, she came back a while ago but she left for somewhere else." He replied. At the sound of her sisters name, Aleia smiled.
"And your uncle Peter survived the fire too, but I'm pretty sure Scott killed him last year. I'm not exactly sure, I just got back from France." He said, Aleia let out a small laugh and wiped her eyes.
"That's okay, I never really liked Peter anyway." She said. They both fell silent.
Aleia wiped her tears away once more. Isaac opened his arms and pulled her into his embrace.
"You know, my dad was killed as well, last year. I know it probably won't help, because I hated him, but it might make it a little better. At least you still have Derek and Cora. And, yeah I don't know what I was going to say, just trying to be helpful." He said and he felt Aleia smile against his chest.


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