1. It's always Stelena.

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"Oh, come on Elena! Isn't it obvious enough that you and Stefan were meant to be?"

I roll my eyes. "West, I'm pretty much doubting your sexuality right now."

He pelts me with popcorn. "Says the guy in a girl's body."

West, Connor, and Kian — who, mind you, are all sixteen year old males — are seated on the couch and are currently watching the Vampire Diaries. And if that's not creepy enough, they seem to really be into it. Every now and then, they feel the need to express their emotions by groaning at Elena's misguidance or gasp at a random twist of events.

And these, ladies and gentlemen, are my best friends. I've known them since fourth grade and I still remember the moment I met each one of them.

I stumbled upon West first. I chortle as I recall the way he'd yelled "GIRLS HAVE COOTIES!" while I chased him around the playground trying to give him a kiss. He was always a weird kid, alright. But I got that kiss anyway. After I strangled him.

I met Connor next a few days later when I helped him cheat on a grammar test. Poor kid didn't know what the past participle of 'bring' was. Hah, I still hold that one against him.

As for Kian, that's my favorite memory. He was such a snooty little brat with his new football and I'd watched him as he kicked it around and played with a whole bunch of other boys from our class. I'd gone over to him to ask him if I could play and he told me of course I couldn't because I was a girl. Then I sat on him. And I didn't get up until he told me girls could play football too.

Now look at us! Seven years later and the squad's still coming on strong. And honestly, they're the only friends I'll ever need. In case you're wondering, no, I don't have any female friends. I never have actually, now that I think about it... which is why West keeps referring to me as a boy.

But, hey, it's not my fault I'm a tomboy. My femininity was washed away by my friends and four brothers.

I bite the end of my pencil. "Instead of watching that crap, maybe you could get started on that assignment that's due tomorrow?"

"Pssht, yeah sure," Connor scoffs. "Just give me a sec, I'll also study for that test we have next week too."

I give him a look. "Well alright, if you want another detention, you can just add it to your collection."

"I don't know who to ship anymore," Kian sighs. "I mean, Stelena just click, you know? But Delena—"

"Stelena," West cuts in seriously. "It's always Stelena."

"Maybe I do have female friends," I muse.

West opens his mouth to retort, but is interrupted as the front door's lock clicks and my mom walks into the house.

"Hey, mom," I smile.

She leans down to kiss my forehead then pauses as she stares at the guys.

"Mackenzie, honey, why are West, Kian, and Connor here more often than your own brothers are?" She asks.

"Oh, we live here now," West grins, popping the popcorn into his mouth.

"Well, people who live here clean up after themselves," she points to the little popcorn scattered on the floor.

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