7. You know we have a door, right?

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  • Mackenzie

I'm furious.  

Sure, I'm angry, humiliated, confused, and bothered; but what stands out among all these is how absolutely furious Chase has made me.

One hour ago, Chase had glued me to the wall and tried to make a move on me. I'd had to take off my gym shorts while they'd still been stuck and find another pair to wear while I struggled with subtly detaching the article of clothing, attempting to avoid the ruination of the fabric. I hadn't been able to do so up until ten minutes ago.

Now, I'm bitterly wiping off the excess dried glue off the back of my shorts as my mind proceeds to replay the event that'd taken place shortly. My breaths increased rapidly and my heart performed a somersault. 

I want you.

"Ugh!" I crumple the shorts into a ball and throw them as hard as my man-hands could decipher onto the wall and hold my head in frustration.

I didn't want him. I don't feel anything towards him---whether it's attraction or emotional, I know I don't. For fuck's sake, I gripped his wrist before it'd gotten further. I was just in shock, and the last thing I need is his dumb ass letting his ego stretch farther across the globe thinking I'm attracted to him. I wish he knew how repulsive I think he is right about now.

Just then, the rattle of a soft tap echoes in my room and I turn to see that someone's at my windowsill. I frown and pace over to my window and pull it up, only to find West gripping the whole of the sill. I shift my vision further to see that his feet are wedged into the spaces between the stones of which my home's built. 

"You know we have a door, right?" I question.

"I need your help, man," he grunts. "But first, let me in."

I stare. "You're literally so stupid, I don't even remember why we're friends---"

"Just let me in the damn room, Mac, Jesus fucking Christ," he holds out his hand and I accept it, pulling him past the opening of the window, "Aight, cool. Thanks, man."

"Do I have to ask?" I question curiously.

West pats the dust off his white shirt and runs his fingers through his hair. Then, he moves over to lie on my bed and sighs dramatically.

"Mac, I can't stop thinking of her."

"Her? Who's 'her'?" West looks at me from the corner of his eye and I feel the bile rising from the back of my throat. "Avianna?"

He sighs again and puts his hand on his forehead. "God, that chick does me bad."

"You need to wake up," I croak disgustedly. "Have some standards, West, no joke."

"Look," he sits up suddenly. "We both want something. You want to prank that cheap white boy and I want his girlfriend to see that he's nothing but a loser. We could do that together!"

"Yeah, no," I reply. "Nope. No thanks. I'm done with the pranks, I have no more time to waste on a dumb guy who thinks he has everyone's attention."

"Aw, man, don't tell me Kian's got to you. Mac, c'mon, help a brother out. I am your brother, right?"

"I've got four, you aren't any of 'em."

"Mac, c'mon!"

"Ugh!" I utter, collapsing next to him on the edge of the bed. "What, West? What?"

"Why can't you do me this simple favour? It's a mutual sorta thing! I mean, I don't even get it; why'd you stop the prank thing?"

I pause to think. I'm not letting Chase win. That's definitely not what I'm doing. It's more of... calling a ceasefire and just ending it where the scores one-on-one since I wouldn't like to give him more attention than I've already wasted on him. Ya feel?

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Mar 07, 2019 ⏰

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