3. Does your arse need a tampon, sir?

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• Mackenzie •
Detention. That's where I am right now -- in a room filled with people who look like they might need anti-depressants. The only seemingly happy people here are Chase and Jessie -- who've been driving Mr. Lentant insane for the past ten minutes.

You see, you'd expect them to be more mature and cool seeing as they're seniors and they're 'badasses' and all. Except -- they're not. Jessie's been shooting spitballs whenever the teacher turns around and Chase's folding paper airplanes to throw at him.

"Mr. Hunter," Mr. Lentant clenches his jaw and turns to face the class. "Mr. Parker. One more of your shenanigans will cost you detention for a whole week. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal," Jessie agrees.

"Good," he utters.

The door opens and Sadie, a pretty, dark haired girl with big brown eyes and an attractive walk, enters the room.

"Mr. Lentant," she says, "uhm, Mrs. Wetherly wanted me to tell you that there's something important you need to discuss. Concerning the test scores," she adds.

The teacher frowns, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "Is it urgent?"

She shrugs. "She said she needed you right away."

"Very well," he sighs. Dropping the piece of chalk on his desk and clapping his hands together to get rid of the dusty marks left on his palms, his cold eyes meet Jessie's then Chase's. "I'll be back in a few. I'd like for you two to keep quiet and not turn this class into a zoo while I'm away -- if that's not too much to ask, of course." He adds sarcastically.

"That'll be no problem at all," Chase feigns politeness, his British accent standing out.

"Since you're here, Miss Smith, I need to have a word with you about that assignment you handed in yesterday," Mr. Lentant utters as he leaves the room.

When the door slams behind him, the entire class shifts, relief overwhelming them. But at the sound of a quick click, some release exasperated sighs.

"He locked the door," Jessie points out.

"Thank you, Captain Obvious," I retort.

"How long do you think he'll be gone?" Chase asks, standing up to toss a crumpled paper into the trashcan.

"It's a talk with Miss Wetherly," I remind him. "I wouldn't be surprised if he came back tomorrow."

Chase chortles. "Then that'll give me enough time."

"For what?" Isaac Halls, one of his best friends, questions curiously.

Chase leans against the teacher's desk, his eyes scanning the room. "For..." His voice trails away as he holds out a particularly big needle and moves around the table to stick it into the leather material on the surface of the chair. I don't even know why he has that with him and I don't wanna ask.

"What are you doing?" Jessie asks.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" He answers. "I'm giving the old bloke what he deserves."

"You embellished a little, don't you think?" I roll my eyes sarcastically.

Literally the lamest, simplest prank ever. Pin on the chair. What does he think this is, Tom and Jerry?

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