Chapter 3

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It was Saturday morning, my Birthday was over, and I was going to start my "mission" with Art today. Art was in his room, listening to depressing music when I knocked on his door.
"What do you want?" he hollered over the music that was blasting loud.
"It's Jenny. Can I come in?" I replied.
"No, and before you ask why, it's because I don't want to "talk things out" with dad. He can't change what he did." sometimes I thought Art acted like a stubborn child.
"That's not what I want to talk about." after I said that, there was silence. I was about to knock on the door again when Art opened it.
"Then what do you wanna talk about?" Art asked.
"I want to talk about, well,---God." I hesitated because I knew Art would slam the door in my face, but to my surprise, he opened his door wider so I could come in. I hadn't been in his room for a long time. I had forgotten how cluttered it was.
I walked over to Art's bed, trying not to step on anything, and sat down.
"Why do you wanna talk about God? It's not like He can fix my problems or anything." Art never doubted God before.
"That's the thing, Art. He can fix your problems. All of them. Don't you realize it, Art?" I said, trying to control my nervous tone.
"Realize what? Realize that He gave me depression? Realize that He's the reason dad cheated on mom? God has done nothing for me. I have been so calm during all these problems I'm having, and I deserve so much more than what I have. God has done nothing for me, and you aren't gonna make me think otherwise." replied Art.
"Art, God did not give you depression and He is not the reason dad cheated on mom. Dad cheated on mom because he turned from God and stopped living for the One who can wash our sins White as Snow. You don't even deserve a house, Art, none of us do. But our God is a merciful God who gave us everything we have, and He can just as easily take everything away from us."
"Oh, yeah? When you become like me, are you gonna serve God when you're trying to live through depression, when you're trying your hardest not to make a fool out of yourself in front of your friends, when you're trying to have a worth and a purpose in this world, or are you gonna blame God for everything, because you know He's the reason for everything you've been through, even though everyone else says He's not?"
"Art, you're talking nonsense." I replied.
"I knew you wouldn't understand. No one does." Art said as he shoved me out of his room.
"That went well." I said (sarcastically) to myself as I walked down the hall to my room.
"Lord, I know I did the right thing today, so, why do I feel so awful about it? Is it because he's my brother, and I hurt him, or is it because I didn't do the right thing? Show me Your Plans. Speak to me, Lord. Tell me what You want me to do, and as Your Faithful Servant, I'll do exactly as You say." I prayed that night before I went to bed. I practically prayed myself to sleep. Tomorrow was a brand new day, with new opportunities ahead. No matter what happened, I was determined to help Art.

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