Chapter 1

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Danny sat on the hard floor of his cell with his head down. He wore a white jumpsuit that had cuts and holes ripped into it and blood forever stained it. Every day he got a new one to wear but it never really mattered because blood always stained them before it was all over with. His black hair had grown quite a bit an was dirty and tangled with blood clumping it up and his once bright blue eyes that sparkled now were hollow and clouded with pain.He moved slightly and a large pain came from his chest. That was where two of his ribs were cracked, but they gave him a healing serum that was supposed to make him heal faster for more experiments but that just made it hurt even more.

It was always terrible there but he put no blame on anyone. He was told that everyone thinks that everyone thinks he's been killed. The Guys in White never said a thing about capturing the ghost boy either, so nobody knew where he is. It was awful knowing his family and friends were grieving because he was stupid and got caught.

Danny shut his eyes and tried to sleep, but all that met him was nightmares so he looked at himself instead. He had muscles, but what he really saw was how thin he was. It was rare, they would feed or give him water, but even when they did it was little to none and there was always some chemical they wanted to see would happen when given to him. He also saw the scars that were stuck to his skin and the bruises. There were even some burn marks. Then the worst of all the mark burned into his hand that claimed him as an experiment.It made him sick to see himself in this shape, but he couldn't do anything about it.

His cell and everything that's locked him here were ghost proof and when out of the traps he was at gunpoint to the next place but honestly he wished he could die already. He knew that nobody was coming to help him. Ghost can't get in, and what ghost would want to, and humans didn't know he was there. Although there was one time when there were alarms going off, but nothing came of it so he figured it was just a fluke to make him hope.He was done for the day, but he knew it would be the same thing tomorrow and the next day and the next. It would be never ending for him. No matter how he wished and prayed that was the truth, he would never be free.

His head whipped up as he heard the door to his cell open and a look of absolute fear filled his eyes. He backed further into a corner and tried with no results to be hidden. He knew he had to save energy so he didn't go invisible. He was met with the sight of an empty hall. This had happened before and he knew not to exit through it. He had to wait till someone came because the moment he steps out from the cell he would be attacked until he can't walk anymore and then he would be dissected for the rest of the day.

When an agent finally came it was an unfamiliar one that had no weapons that could be seen. Danny still moved further into the corner and flinched as his arm was seized and he hauled up. Then the agent dragged him into a room with nothing but one chair with some glass in front of it. Danny held back a scream at the intense pain of being dragged.He glanced around the room when the pain subsided. He gulped as he was forcefully strapped into the chair and let a yelp of pain as a shot was given in his neck that kept him from moving. He was stuck looking through the window and what he saw in it was a younger girl sitting there.

She had shorter dark brown hair and green eyes."Well ghost today is your lucky day. Thanks to your information we were able to make a new experiment. Don't worry though she's a criminal just like you, although the change didn't have the same results sadly." The agent said harshly, looking at Danny then to the girl with a disgusted look on his face. He then offered a sinister smile and added "She's now as crazy as a bat." Danny felt guilt prick at his skin as he remembered how they tortured the way he became a half ghost.

It was when he first came here so he was weak and it was simple to get answers out of. He watched as familiar agent walked into the other cell, agent B.The girl looked up at the agent and went from sitting down on the ground to standing up. She had her eyes narrowed and her muttering under her breath. B then took out a stun gun and shot her. The girl fell and hit the ground hard. Then B walked over and picked her up roughly and strapped her to the examination table that had sat in the middle of the room. The table then was lifted till she was almost upright and very visible to Danny. He struggled realizing what was going to happen.

The agent beside him smiled and said "Enjoy the show!" Then the girl woke up and at first thought she could see him, but then realized that it was one sided glass and she could only see herself.B nodded to them, then picked up a scalpel and went to her arm and started to cut it open. The girl let out a high pitch scream and Danny struggled even more, but then gasped out as pain flowed through his body. He stopped and watched as the scalpel went deeper into his arm and blood flowed down her arm. B took some flesh and placed it in a metal bowl, then moved to her stomach where he did the same thing. The girl kept screaming and quietened down when the slicing stopped, but her face was still twisted in pain. The girl turned and hissed something to B who just laughed.

Danny who had a hollow look of horror. He wondered if she was really a ghost or if this was something made to torment him. He hoped it was fake, but usually the world was against him. The agent that had been standing by him and watching with amusement unstrapped Danny and dragged him to his cell and threw him in there.

Pain filled his body and he curled up in a ball and tried to make it pass, but soon there was another body thrown in. Danny hardly glanced up when he saw another face twisted in pain. "You two will bunk together until our newest cell is done." B said as he slammed the door.The girl sat up as they left and looked at her wounds. Danny could finally hear what she muttered now "They will burn in this doll house and I will laugh as their plastic melts from their face." He looked a bit worried about that, but then the girl looked at him and asked "Are you another paper doll trapped with the plastic?" He was confused at that, but forced himself to sit up and growled in pain and said "I'm trapped here too if that's what you mean." The girl nodded and said "My name is Akari." Danny nodded and said "I'm Danny."

Akari held her hand out to shake his and hesitantly, he shook her hand and she asked happily "You want to watch the plastic dolls burn with me. If not, then that's fine, but us paper need to stick together." He looked a little nervous at that and said softly "There is no way out of here." She just smiled and said "There's a door and I'm sure together we can stop the plastic. Paper is weak but we can turn to steel." Danny shook his head and said "I've tried to escape and I've never been able to do it." Akari tilted her head and asked "How long have you been here may I ask?" He frowned and said softer than ever "Three years I think."

Danny Phantom/ Young Justice Fan FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora