Chapter 2

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(Edited to Young Justice :) )
It had been one month since Akari had come and Danny had started to notice how odd she was. It wasn't a normal oddness but one that was quite unnerving. She always seemed happy but the rare times she wasn't she was frighteningly angry and hateful but never towards him. It was always towards the Guys in White, or the plastic dolls as she loved to call them. He had also noticed that the odder she got the smarter she seemed. She would always have these times when she would cause the Guys in White trip up and end up hurt, so she always ended up with the worst of wounds but half the time she would ignore the obvious pain and do whatever she would want. Although on bad terms Danny was overly happy to have someone to talk to. He hadn't realized he was so lonely until she came and gave him somebody to talk to. He finally had the smallest amount of joy talking to her about his past and she always just silently listened and never spoke about herself.

On this day it was Akari's turn to have experiments done on her and you could tell. She had on a smirk that just smelled of trouble. Danny knew that she would do something drastic and then have the harshest of experiments before being sent back to the cell a bloody mess and exhausted. When the agent came in Akari stood and walked towards him unafraid of what would happen. She looked at them and allowed him to grab her arm and she walked forward as she was dragged but instead a look of anger on the agents face there was a cruel smirk. Fear ran through him as he watched her be taken out. He would just have to wait to see what happen.

When the footsteps started off they paused for a short moment before the ring of a gunshot filled the air. Danny looked in horror at the door as he waited to see if the door would open again but nothing. He became paler than he already was and backed into a corner and watched the door praying that entire day she would come back alive. Though she never walked through that door again.

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It had been four months since Danny had last seen Akari but he now believed she was alive but elsewhere because the schedule of experiment was still being used though he had become very depressed and now hoped for death. This day in particular because the day before he was shown how happy everyone was at Amity Park. It just seemed like everything was perfect without him there. It made him upset that he was just a memory in the past but he knew that he should've expected it. No one knew he was alive so remember some dead loser? Tears collected in the corners of his eyes and he had to fight them back to stop from crying.

As he sat there an alarm went off, making Dany jump slightly in surprise and winch in pain. His first reaction was to just ignore it but then a voice came from the hallway and he recognized it as agent B. He watched the door and flinched as it slammed open and there B stood looking grim. He walked over and grabbed his arm and yanked him up. Danny gasped at the pain and shut his eyes tightly. He limped along as B dragged him. Danny was confused why he wasn't drugged or walked at gunpoint this time but he went with it.

As they walked Danny noticed voices behind them, he looked back as they got closer and closer until a odd group of people came up. Each one looked different from the other but in the front of them was a tan teen with very short white hair and he wore a red sleeveless shirt and a pair of black pants. B noticed the odd teens only a few seconds later and he reacted by turning and shoved Danny to the ground and started shooting at the odd teens. Danny let out a pained cry and laid on the ground unable to force himself to his feet.

He weakly watched the teens and was surprised to see them all avoid the shots and easily take down B. Danny then tried to make himself invisible but he found that it was impossible to do so. He glanced at the teens in fear as they looked over at him and one of them came towards him, it was a green skinned girl with long red hair and freckles. Danny forced himself to at least get into a sitting position, and shrank against the burning gazes. The girl then asked softly "Are you ok?" Danny nodded unable to mutter any words out and a boy with red hair sped in front of him and said "Are you sure, you seem a little jumpy." Danny flinched away from the boy and watched them cautiously. The boy looked confused and a girl with blond hair said sharply "Back up a bit your scaring the poor kid." That's when a short boy with black hair said looking at something above his wrist "Can't find much on him

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