Chapter 5

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Hey guys, here is my new update. So first off I want to thank my sister who has been helping me out with this book and has even gone as far as to become my editor (because everyone who has read this book knows I need one BADLY). Caveman67

I also want to thank everyone who likes and comments because that is what drives me to write faster and give longer chapters. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy when I get a nice comment but don't be afraid to tell me how you think I can make the book better!

Oh and sorry this took longer than expected but I realized something, I stink at external conflict XD.

Well now enough with my babbling, on with the story!!!

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Conner stood in the training room punching a sandbag multiple times as sand slowly leaked from it. Anger seemed to flood from him as he continued his attack on the specially made punching bag, he had been very tense and angry ever since they had rescued the two teens from the GiW. It upset him more than he could say to see more lab experiments and how badly they were treated. He was glad when the league had decided that the two would be kept at the mountain instead of handed off to some random police station. Still, his gratitude did nothing to help his anger.

Suddenly the bag busted and sand spilled onto the ground and Conner let out an annoyed growl and turned to go get a new one when a cackle and voice from behind him said "Keep that up Supey and you'll run out.". Turning around he spotted Robin who was pointing at the pile of punching bags he had broken and the sand nearby. "They were made to be punched, not my fault they aren't strong enough to handle my punched." He reported feeling slightly embarrassed. Robin just chuckled softly and said teasingly "And after Batman put all that work into them too, he won't be feeling the aster when he sees how easily you broke them.".

Superboy rolled his eyes slightly knowing that Robin was just joking and then realized that he was now calm. He raised an eyebrow slightly and wondered how Robin managed to calm him down with so quickly. Robin of course just shrugged slightly as if knowing what Conner was thinking, "Hey want to go hang out with everyone? We're all just hanging in the tv room." Rob suggested. Conner glanced at the clock and after seeing he had been there for a little more than an hour he nodded and went to the tv room, Robin not to far behind.

When he made it there he noticed how somber everyone was. Wally and Artemis sat on the couch glaring at each other, instead of throwing insults, Kaldar sat there with a book but it wasn't hard to tell he wasn't reading but thinking, M'gann sat on the couch with a strained smile trying to find a tv show. Conner walked to the couch and was about to sit beside M'gann when a sound caught his attention, pausing he listened to it and frowned as he realized it was laughter.

He looked towards the sound realizing that it was coming from the guest room and the sound of knocking and their guest Danny yelling that he needed to be let out soon followed it. He turned and rushed towards the guest rooms worried for the safety of the two guest staying there. When he was near the doors he realized that the team had followed him out of confusion of what made him rush away from the tv room. M'gann and Kaldar were already at Danny's door starting to get it open telling him they they were already there and opening the door.

Robin, Wally, and Artemis went to Akari's room and opened it, when they did they all ran into the room giving shouts to get Black Cannery. Conner glanced in and his blood ran cold, there laid Akari in her own blood laughing and tearing at her stomach.

Conner than turned and ran out to get Cannery right as Danny was let out from his room.

(Well this was a disappointment. It was going to be longer but then I figured "It's time to update!" So yeah I hope you liked it and I'm sorry for it taking so long and I just hope I can get the next chapter out for you sooner.))

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