Chapter 4

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Yay an update! Sorry it took so long I just wasn't sure how I wanted this to play out but here it is! Hope you enjoy :)

Danny laid in a small twin sized bed looking up at the ceiling of the guest room he was put in after the teens had got them their and they had been treated for their injuries. To say it was a surprise for him to find out there was a whole group of superheroes that he had never heard of was quite the surprise is an understatement. Of course it also surprised the superheroes that had come to question him that he had no idea who they were.

Now a week had passed and worry and fear filled Danny as he thought about how things could happen. No matter how much he thought it over and tried to stay positive he found that all his thoughts lead to dark alleys 'Will we be safe here if they find out we're ghost? So far they have been kind and careful but will that change? I can keep my ghost form a secret too but what about Akari? She might tell them when she wakes up.' Then his mind turned t even dark 'If she wakes up...... The drugs given to her may of wore off but once they were gone she fell into a coma. What if-'

That's when he cut off his own thoughts to keep from panicking. It was a bad thing to let yourself go too deep into the 'What ifs' and he knew this well enough to try and stop himself from doing just that but he always fell across these thoughts over and over again. He had to stay calm and just wait for Akari to wake up.

That was when Danny remembered something ' "No matter where or who your with you'll never excape from us, so why even try? I mean if you do excape then it will just be worse for you and your family." ' He froze at the memory and the only thoughts going through his mind was his family was in danger. He started hyperventilating but forced himself to calm down and focus on something anything thing else but that.

For a little bit he laid there trying to hear anything other then silence and was met with the sound of laughter. Danny's eyes widened as he realized it was Akari's laughter but it wasn't a good kind. It was the kind she used when she was in a lot of pain.

Panic swept through him and he jumped up from the bed and went to the door and tried to open it. Unsurprisingly it was locked, but instead of giving up he started to beat on it and yell to be let out.

In all his panic he forgot about something important.

Crappy chapter I know but next will have the team and a little bit of info about Akari's powers and how Danny's have been effected.

Oh and don't worry I promise to update real soon!

Danny Phantom/ Young Justice Fan Ficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن