Chapter 8

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Danny laid in the bed glancing around when he heard Akari shift and let out a small groan. "Why do people insist on the bright lights in rooms? No one is going to see the light that is blinding me!" She muttered making Danny question how awake she really was for a moment. Still he knew that she may flip out again, so he sat up and said "I think it's my fault that the lights are on."

It took a moment but Akari reacted to the sound of his voice but shooting up and hugging him, "Your here! I thought the odd people in really weird outfits took you off again!". Danny flinched at the quick contact but hissed "Be careful! You just had to have your stitches redone!" She ignored him and jumped up and giggled "Well let's go! We can get out of here easily and than we're free!"

Danny wanted to do just that but he wasn't sure if her stitches would be able to take the stress of going on the run. For a moment he was tempted to just fly off, but the sound of very soft footsteps in the hallway stopped him. Instead he whispered "Maybe later but for now don't tell about the powers."

Akari looked surprised but gave a brisk nod and sat down. It was just in time too, because soon after Batman walked in. Danny watched the man as he looked over both Akari and him, till Akari  asked, quite loudly, "Are we going to have to wear ridiculous costumes too? I swear they get weirder and weirder by the minute!"

Danny stared at Akari in shock as Batman gave her an unamused look and growled "Come on, you both will need to be questioned." Akari shrugged and jumped off the bed and chirped "Whatever." Than started to walk, Danny followed her lead and followed Batman from the small room into the hallway.

Danny watched his surroundings as he walked, wondering how big this place was, from the room it didn't seem that large but from the hallway the place seemed like it could be huge. The thought made him uncomfortable so he chose to try and think of something else.

Akari suddenly asked "Where are we? All I know about this place is that people wear odd clothes and they know how to fix ripped dolls."

Batman contuied to walk but answered, "You are in Mount Justice, and we wear these costumes to hide our identities."

Akari tilted her head again and said "But half of you aren't wearing mask. How is a odd outfit going to hide anything?"

Danny really had to hold in laughter at that, mainly because he wondered the same thing while working as Danny Phantom.

Batman was silent at that and instead opened a door and lead them in. The room was a gray room with a mirror and a table in the middle.

Seeing Batman gesture for them to sit down, Danny took a seat at the far end of the table while Akari popped into a seat next to him. Batman sat across from them and seemed to study them for a moment before stating "I'm just going to ask some questions before I just question one of you at a time. When this is done you can both go back to your rooms and rest."

Danny nodded while Akari just stared at him. Batman than started the questions.

"How long have the both of you been in the GIW's labs?" He asked bluntly.

"Not sure, I didn't really keep up with the time." Akari stated happily while Danny said hesitantly "Three years I think."

Batman nodded and asked "Do you know why you were brought there?"

Danny shook his head while Akari was silent.

Batman was about to ask something else but was interrupted by Akari "Wait why are you asking us this? Wouldn't you of gotten all the information from the computers?"

Batman went silent while Danny paled as he realized that the Justice League may already know about their ghost powers.

((I'm evil. I had no idea what to do so I did this. Well I tried! I hope you liked it!

Oh and if you have any suggestions on what should happen let me know!!!))

Danny Phantom/ Young Justice Fan FicDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora