Mount Weather ~1~

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I woke up in some white room with no idea where I was and now I'm being escorted to a new place with these people who "saved" us when I remember them knocking us out and capturing us.

"Here are some clothes, then I'll take you to your friends." Some lady told me.

I rolled my eyes, got dressed and followed her to the next destination.

We got to a cafeteria and I saw Monty and Jasper sitting down, eating.

My heart stopped when I saw them.

"Monty?!" I ran to him, ignoring the lady behind me.

He heard me and his face lit up with happiness. He stood up and caught me when I flung my arms around his neck.

"Where were you? I thought you died." Now I feel the tears coming back. With those words was a reminder of Bell and Finn.

"I was brought here like you. Jasper told me what happened with you guys. With you." He sighed.

I nodded and hugged him again, "I just left him there Mon, him and Finn. I could've done something but I just left them."

"Hey, shh. It was not your fault or your job to protect them. You have your little girl to worry about. I'd say you did one hell of a job staying alive." He half smiled.

"Thanks." I sighed.

"Do I get love?" Jasper asked.

I giggled a bit and hugged him.

"By the way, Monty basically threatened these guys that if anything happened to you or the baby, he'd go full on psychopath." Jasp laughed.

"They know about her?" I asked and they nodded. "You threatened them?" I smiled.

Monty shrugged, "I was scared. You are one of the last ones to get here and the second Jasper told me you were alive, I was freaking out."

"Who's left?" I asked.

"Clarke." Miller answered for me. I rolled my eyes at him and sat down. I don't wanna look at him right now. Or Clarke for that matter.

"You can't blame me for keeping my promise Max. Or Clarke. We kept you alive just like he said." Miller sighed.

"But you killed him in the process! My brother and my boyfriend! The two people who worked to keep your asses alive since day one!" I screamed and the cafeteria got quiet.

Miller just nodded and walked away. It felt good to let that out but not enough to make me feel better.

There's this hole in my heart that nothing is gonna fill. Like ever.

"Clarke?" Monty smiled and ran to her.

I stayed still while everyone ran over to see her.

"Finn and Bellamy?" Clarke asked.

I closed my eyes and sighed, "They didn't make it." Jasper answered.

Monty came back over and took my hand, giving it a squeeze.

"You don't know that." She said, "Raven?" She asked.

Someone said no.

"I don't trust this place." I mumbled, "They say it's safe, I wanna leave. I wanna go find survivors." I told Mon.

"They have doctors here Max. People who will help you and the baby-"

"Sabrina. Bell named her Sabrina. And I didn't ask for their help. I just wanna go home." I let go of his hand and walked away but he grabbed my arm.

"Max, there is no home. Not anymore. I'm sorry but we're better here." Monty sighed, "I'm here for you. I'm gonna help you. I'm not going anywhere."

"You know what's funny? Bellamy and Finn both said that numerous times. Look where that landed them." I took my arm back and walked away.

I saw Heather and asked her directions for our room that the lady told us about.

Once I got there, I laid on an empty mattress and fell asleep. I just wanna forget about everything.


"Maxynn, hey, wake up." I felt someone slightly shake me awake.

I opened my eyes and saw Monty.

"They're serving dinner soon and you need to eat. Heather also told me that you looked like you were having a bad dream." Monty put his hand on my head, "You're burning up."

I nodded, "It was Bell, he was fighting a grounder but it slit his throat and killed him then tried killing me." I broke down again and hugged Monty.

"Sh, it's okay. That's why we're safe here. I want to keep you safe." He whispered.

"I think it was a sign telling me that he is dead. Clarke said they could be alive but that's impossible, right?" I wiped my eyes.

"I'm not sure, you thought I was dead but I'm pretty sure I'm breathing." He chuckled.

I put my hand on his chest, "I don't know, I feel no heartbeat." I smiled.

"That's cause I'm a vampire. They're the hot ones, right?" We both shared a laugh.

Our laughing died down and Monty leaned in to kiss me. I didn't refuse but it felt so wrong yet right at the same time. I pulled away and turned my head, "I'm sorry Mon, I just can't right now." I sighed.

"Y-yeah, I was stupid. I'm sorry." He sighed.

"N-no, it wasn't stupid. Just too soon." I held his hand and gave him a weak smile.

"Let's go get dinner, yeah?" He stood and helped me up.

As we walked to the cafeteria, I asked the question that has been on my mind.

"How many made it here?"

He looked down, "48"

We came here with 101, 2 died before we even got to earth. A few died due to casualties, Wells, Charlotte, some died because of grounders. And others, the ones I wanted alive died to save the rest of us. Bellamy, Finn, they didn't deserve to. No one did. And now we're down to less than half. 101 down to 48.

49 once Sabrina comes. A few months and I'll meet the little girl that Bellamy died for. My little girl, and I can't wait.

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